The Movies

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A/N I will be using the OC's later cuz I don't have any except my friend T~T #foreveralone 

                                                                                  PJ'S POV

Yawn. It's early in the morning. 6 o'clock to be exact. I think Imma call Fresh later and we can watch a scary movie.  I picked up tickets to a scary movie and already watched it so it's not scary for me anymore. Ok, imma TRY to sleep 'til 10 with all the fighting thats going on downstairs (yes she live in da two story house)   

                                                                     ~~**~~ At da 10 'o clock~~**~~ 


"NO,Y-YOU S-S-TOP IT-T!" Is all I heard for the past 4 hours.  Ugh. They fight all the time. Since I'm bored I'm going to draw Fresh. It's the best I can do right now. I drew fresh with his upside-down heart eye as usual.

"PJ! COME DOWN HERE PLEASE!" I heard Ink say. 

"COMING MOM!" I said shoving my book under my pillow so no one can see or read it. What I didn't know was a corner was sticking out from under the pillow. As I went downstairs Tokylovania and Errorlovania were playing. Their fighting must've caused it. Eh. 

"Umm, could you hang out with Fresh for a bit PJ? Dad and I have been fighting again and we don't want you in the house for you to get involved..." Ink said.

"I can tell from the songs that are playing..." I mumbled. Apparently Dad heard me and came for me. 

"No Error. Bad Error." Ink said giggling. 

"Ughhh. O-Only cause she is-s our d-d-daughter." Dad said. 

"Ok, well bye Mom! Bye Dad!" I said waving. 

"Bye sweetie!" Mom said smiling. 

"Bye PJ..." Dad said rolling his eyes.  I called Fresh. 

"Wassup. Who is this?" I heard fresh say. 

"Hey Fresh. It's PJ. Can I come over? My parents are fighting and they don't want me in the house to get involved." I said over the phone. 

"Oh, ok broski.How bad were they fighting dude?" He said. 

"Tokyolovania and Errorlovania were playing..." I said rolling my eyes. 

"Oh, thats harsh dude. Not rad at ALL. Ya coming by the way broski?" He said. 

"Oh, ya. Still not used to the teleporting thing though." I said teleporting to Fresh's house. I almost fell over when I got there but he caught me. 

"Thanks Fresh." I said standing up. 

"No problem PJ. Ya wanna watch a rad movie?" He said. 

"Sure. I brought tickets for a Scary Movie. It's called The Return Of Chara: Based on a true story." I said.

"Ok broski! Let's totally go dude!" He said. 

"Let me teleport us. I haven't used my powers all day today." He said holding out his hand for me to grab. I grabbed his hand and I blushed. I pretty sure I saw him blush too but I wasn't too sure since I was looking down. When we teleported I fell and it tripped him and me. We burst out in laughter as we got up. I was still blushing. There was one girl who looked at us weirdly. Especially me. She looked older than us. She had Purple hair, aqua eyes, pale skin. A black fox tail, ears, coat with a fur hood, and combat boots. She had a mint green scarf on with red shorts. 

"Ooooh. Look at this. Some 90's kid and some sort of painter? Ya, perfect friendship i'm guessing. Two complete NERDS." She said smirking. She was some kind of fox hybrid. 

"And who might you be?" I asked as Fresh mumbled curses to himself. 

"What's it to ya?" she said. 

"Tell. Me." I said sternly, but I was quite frightened. I slightly heard Freshlovania. Very faint though. Fresh must be MAD. 

"Fine. I'm Carla Sunspike. Who are you too Freaks?" This 'Carla" person said. 

"I'm PJ, and this is Fresh." I said pointing to Fresh. 

"Oh, perfect names for ner-" I cut her off by saying,

"And I am daughter of Errortale and Inktale Sans'." I said. She seemed shocked. She must be scared of my dad. 

"Umm, what's going on here Carla!" I heard another female voice say. 

"Just some nerds." Carla said. 

"They don't look like nerds and what did I say about being rude to people! I'm so sorry, i'm Phoenix." Phoenix said. 

"No, it's ok. I'm PJ, and this is my friend Fresh. We were just going to the movi-" I was going to say but got cut off. 

"Oh! I'm so sorry. By the way the reason she is rude is because she likes Underfell Sans. Along with Underswap Sans and Papyrus." Phoenix said. 

"And, sorry to say but, I like you Underfresh Sans." She said again. Fresh blushed but then stopped. 

"And if I do this," He said taking off his glasses, 

"Will you let us go to our movie?" Phoenix was happy. She moved out of the way staring at fresh. He winked at her and threw her his glasses at her. 

"score." She whispered. Fresh just took more out of his pocket and handed me his COOL ones. 

"I have extras incase we come along with fangirls like that." He said. We just laughed. We got to the movie and watched it. He somehow grabbed a hold of my arm doing the movie without me noticing 'cause when the movie ended he was holding my arm. He grabbed my hand and I teleported him home. 

"Tomorrow?" He asked. 

"Sure! Bye Fresh! Thanks for the glasses!" I said waving. 

"You're welcome broski! You're welcome dude!" He said. I teleported back to the house to see Mom and Dad looking through a book and giggling. It looked familiar. WAIT. ARE THEY READING MY JOURNAL/DIARY?! 


"I wanted to see how you improved on drawing butttt then came across this..." Ink said showing me the picture I drew of Fresh. I facepalmed. 

"Ughhhhhh." I said grabbing my book back. 

"Never. Go. Through. My. Stuff. AGAIN." I said hitting them hard enough to hurt but not too hard.  

"Oww." They said in unison. I ran to my room and slept. 

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