An Old Friend

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I heard another human fell today in Undertale! 

"Mom? Can I go to Undertale to meet the new human that fell? Pleease! If if goes genocide I'll teleport here! Fresh said he'd come too!" I begged my parents if I could go to Undertale. Sometimes they are overprotective. 

"Sure PJ. Just stay safe and make sure you and Fresh are ok if it's Genocide Ok?" Ink said. 

"THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!"I said. I am soooo happy. I walked out of the house to Fresh's house. I knocked. He answered.

"Hey broski! Wassup brah?" He said. Usual words. Adorable. Oh no do I have a crush on him! O.O eh. 

"I heard a new human fell today in Undertale!" I said. 

"No way broski!" He said. His glasses switched to NO WAY glasses like magic! 

"Yup way broski!" I said. We blushed. 

"Learning from me already?" He said. 

"Yup! For now on i'm gonna call you Mr.Fresh!" I said. We laughed. 

"Alright, let's go to Undertale broski!" He said. 

"I'll teleport us!" I said Grabbing his hand and teleporting us. He caught me from falling. 

"STILL not used to it. Thanks." I said blushing. I stood up on my own. I let go of his hand and his smile kinda faded. Hmm... Eh. Ok. 

"Ok. We are in Snowdin, guessing the kid is in Classic Sans' house." I suggested. 

"I would think so brah. I know this is off topic but wanna see a picture of me as a baby bro?" Fresh asked. 

"Sure!" I said. I wanted to say that he'd ook adorable but, can't let Fresh know I have a crush on him! :D

 I wanted to say that he'd ook adorable but, can't let Fresh know I have a crush on him! :D

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"Aww! It's adorable!" I said blushing. He blushed. I whispered where I think he didn't here me. 

"And you still are." I said smiling. He was blushing madly. I facepalmed. 

"You heard me didn't you?" I said knocking on the door to Sans' and Papyrus house. 

"Ya brah, but your adorable too." He said. We were a blushing madness. 

"Hello?" I heard Classic Sans' say. 

"It's PJ and Fresh Sans." I said to Sans. 

"oh." He opened the door. 

"hey kiddos." He said. By this point he noticed we were blushing. 

"you guys are tomatoes! why you guys blushin' so much?" He said. 

"Um, we kinda... like... eachother..." I said looking down. 

"hm. two versions of me, liking eachother. eh, well wanna meet the human that fell today?" Classic said. 

"Yes!" Fresh and I said in unison. We blushed. He held out his hand for me to hold. I grabbed his hand and walked in Classic's house. 

"Hi kid- Wait. You look familiar to me... Is your name Johnnie Gayler?" I asked the kid.

"Yea. Wait, PJ?" She said. 

"Yeah! Johnnie it's been so long since you left! I see you are clumsy huh! Falling down two holes!" I said laughing. 

"Is that UnderFresh sans?" Johnnie said. 

"Yeah... why?" I said.


"Brah, what's FreshJ?" Fresh asked me. 

"Our 'ship' name. Its when people think two people are meant to be so they mash their names together." I said still holding his hand. 

"Oh. Umm..."He blushed and took off his glasses. His upside down heart eye! It's so cute! He was sweating so he wiped off his sweat and put his glasses back on. 

"Hey Johnnie? You are part fox right?" I asked johnnie. 

"Ya..." She said swinging her tail side to side. 

"Ok. Lol. Wanna meet my parents? Ink sans and Error sans? I heard you like Science Sans,UF Pap and Sans, and Blue. Is that correct?" I asked her.

"Ya PJ. Just stop." She said. 

"Here," I took out my phone and played Freshlovania and PJ Megalovania at the same time. 

"Let the ship sail my friend." I said while dancing with Fresh to our song. Classic was just standing there, watching. 

"SANS! HUMAN! DINNER'S-" The sound of a plate breaking by hitting the floor made me jump and my song stopped. 

"Hey Papyrus! What's up?" I asked papy holding Fresh's hand. 


"Omg guys seriously yes just stop or I'll get Fell in here." I said laughing. 


"Uhh, all Sans',,,, RUN!" Fresh yelled. I let go of his hand and ran while Classic ran to his room. Johnnie followed him. 

"Haha. Brah, fangirls. Amiright?" Fresh said. I was just laughing. 

"Ya. Let's get ourselves home now. It's pretty late." I said. 

"Ok just one more thing..." Fresh said. He kissed me. I was surprised at first but then melted into the kiss. I pulled away. 

"Home?" He said. 

"Ya. Brah." I said. He playfully punched my Shoulder. We teleported home, him catching me. 

"Bye Fresh!" I said waving at him. 

"Bye Broski!" He said waving. I teleported home onto my bed and fell asleep smiling. 

"Look Error. She's asleep." Ink said. 

"Ya and we SHOULDN'T DISTURB HER." Error whisper yelled. 

"Hey! You didn't stutter!" Ink said. 

"Y-Ya wh-whatever-r." Error said. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2017 ⏰

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