French Fries (Yo-ka x Reader)

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Okay, so we all know Yo-ka loves fast food. Hence this cute, fluffy oneshot! Enjoy!

"I'm back, y/n!" Yo-ka called into the apartment the two of you shared upon returning from his speedy McDonald's trip.

Twisting in your seat, you beamed at him over the back of the couch. "Welcome back!"

Not only were you excited to see your boyfriend, you were also excited to see the big, brown bag with the yellow 'M' stamped to the side and two large teas in his hands. You were starving, and since you and Yo-ka had both worked all day that day, neither of you really felt like standing over a hot stove and cooking dinner. You both agreed on a lazy night in and a fast, easy meal that required no effort and no dishes instead.

Plopping down beside you, Yo-ka fished around in the bag for what was probably an insane amount of items: burgers, fries, chicken nuggets, and cookies, as usual. He laid his buffet out on the coffee table before passing you the bag, and before you could even reach in and get your own sandwich, he had already torn into one of his and had it half eaten.

Chuckling to yourself, you began to pull your own items out of the bag one by one: a burger, a four piece nugget, and a large...


'Where are they?'

"Oh no..." You groaned, shuffling around in the bottom of the paper bag in search of your favorite part of the meal. You stared at the bottom of the empty bag in disappointment. "They forgot my fries..."

Looking up from his food, Yo-ka blinked at you with a mouth stuffed full of fries, his container already half empty. You made a face at him.

"Share your fries with me." You demanded.


"Why not!?"

"They're my fries."

"Yo-kaaa!" You whined, pouting at him.

He sighed and swallowed his food. "One condition."

"What's that?" You huffed, annoyed with his antics. You just wanted to eat already.

"Let me feed you."

You blushed. "No way!"

He shrugged. "Alright. No fries for you then." With that, he grabbed another handful and shoved them in his mouth, making you scream in horror. He was going to eat all the damn fries!

"Okay! Okay!"

The blonde vocalist smirked deviously over at you, well beyond pleased that he had gotten his way. Readjusting his seating position on the couch to turn and face you, he fished a singular fry out of the container and held it up before you. "Open your mouth."

Doing as he instructed, you parted your lips and allowed him to feed you the crispy, golden morsel. You sighed happily as the wonderful flavor of fried potato coated your tongue and warmed your soul.

He passed another. Moving to bite it out of his fingers, your eyes narrowed into a glare whenever he quickly jerked it out of your reach. Was he seriously taunting you with a french fry right now? Shooting daggers at him, you went for the fry again. Again, he jerked back. You growled.

"Give me that!"

"Okay, okay, I'm done, I promise..." He chuckled, holding the fry out for you to take. Again, you leaned in, slowly this time, and just before you were able to bite into the fry, he yanked it away and stuffed it into his own mouth in one swift movement.

You gasped. That same, devious smirk had returned, and he was chuckling manically at the sheer look of anger and broken trust on your face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" His wicked laughter subsided. He got out another fry and waved it at you. "Here. I'm being serious this time."

Raising a suspicious brow, you went in for the fry. Again, Yo-ka stole the fry away.

"Yo-ka!!!" You yelled as he fell back into the couch, clutching his stomach in hysterics. You slapped his leg repeatedly. "I can't believe you!"

Sitting up and wiping a stray tear from beneath his ice blue pools, his laughter faded again. "Alright, okay, I'm sorry! I'm done, I swear!"

Grabbing another fry, he held it out in front of you.

You crossed your arms. "No you aren't! You're just going to eat that one too!"

"I won't. I promise."

"I don't trust you."

"I promise I'm done."

Huffing, you went for the fry. This time, he didn't eat this one, but instead placed it in between his teeth. "Come get it."

Heat flooded your face. You knew exactly what he was trying to pull. "Noooo!"

"Oh, come on! It'll be just like 'Pocky'!" He pleaded in a muffled voice, the fry still in his teeth.


"Please, Y/N?" He asked sweetly. He scooted closer to your side of the couch, leaning his head in close and grinning like an idiot as he waited for you to take him up on his offer... which he wasn't about to let you turn down anytime soon.

Sighing, you finally gave in and shyly inched closer to the boy before slowly leaning in and grabbing the opposite end of the fry between your lips. As expected, Yo-Ka reached one hand behind your head, placed the other on your waist, enveloped the remainder of the fry with his mouth, and pressed his full, plush lips to yours in a hard kiss. A hot wave of excitement rushed over you, and eagerly, you kissed him back. You both stayed like this for some time, reveling in the feel of one another's lips until Yo-ka broke the kiss by tearing off his end of the french fry and eating it, which made you giggle.

"I feel like a high-schooler." Yo-ka commented with a little laugh, mid-chew. You giggled again.

Reaching for the red container of fries, you grabbed another fry and stuck it between your teeth just as Yo-ka had done before.

Leaning in with a flirtatious gaze, you said in a muffled voice of your own, "Now it's my turn."

So, here is the first installment! I hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote, drop me a comment, and if you so desire, request a oneshot! Whether you just want a specific member oneshot, or you have a specific theme/idea you would like to see, don't hesitate to ask!

Until next time!

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