Tanabata (Shoya x Reader)

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Shoya takes you on a date to the Tanabata Festival. In honor of Tanabata (Which was on the 7th!)! My apologies for posting it so SO late! I hope you all like it! Remember to vote, comment, and follow!


"Shoya, will you help me?" You groaned in frustration as you struggled with securing the ties around your new (f/c and/or pattern) yukata. It was your first Summer in Japan and you had never heard of, let alone been to a Tanabata festival, so your friend Shoya had insisted that you let him take you.

"Aww, you look really cute in a yukata." Shoya complimented you before stepping behind you and adjusting your obi in the back. Pleased with his work, he took a step back and grinned; he was always such a fashionista, and he loved dressing you up and picking outfits for you. He had even picked out the yukata you were wearing.

You thought Shoya looked cute in his yukata, too. He had chosen a red yukata with a black floral print and a black obi. His long, wavy ombred hair was twisted up into a bun with his long bangs hanging in his face, and his makeup was done nicely in his usual fashion, accentuating the lovely green contact lenses he had chosen.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Uhm, yeah." You replied nervously as you played with a loose lock of hair that had fallen free from your messy bun, finally noticing that you had been staring at him. "Is my hair okay?"

Shoya smiled. "You look beautiful. Let's go."

You and Shoya had been friends since you first came to Japan in the fall. You had met at a coffee house on a busy Friday afternoon, making casual conversation while you waited in line, and he ended up paying for your coffee and sitting at your table. From the moment you two met, you had hit it off really well. You had a lot in common, liked a lot of the same music, and you even drank your coffee the same way. You ended up exchanging numbers, and have been together nearly every day since then.

"So, what's Tanabata?" You asked your companion curiously as you walked along the few blocks to where the festival was taking place.

"Well..." he began. "According to the story, these two lovers are only allowed to meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh month. We have the Star Festival to celebrate their meeting, and if they meet successfully, then everyone who makes a wish on Tanabata will have their wishes come true!"

The streets were a vibrant rainbow of handmade origami streamers, paper lanterns, and other decorations with potted bamboo plants and vendor booths as far as the eye could see. You took in the many sights, sounds, and smells in complete bewilderment much like a small child would, which made Shoya chuckle at you. You spent the afternoon perusing the many booths and tents, sampling all the different foods, and playing games with Shoya as your trusty guide and occasionally, your translator-- you were still learning Japanese.

After you'd had your fill of walking around and grew tired of consistently bumping into people and children running through the crowds, the two of you found a quiet spot along a small retaining wall and sat down for a rest. You suddenly noticed that Shoya was holding a little bundle of colored paper and two pens in his hands.

"What do you have there, Shoya?" You pointed in question.

"These are called 'tanzaku'." He showed you the small piece of paper he held in his hand. "You write your Tanabata wish on it and hang it from a bamboo stalk."

You stared at the blank sheet a moment, then looked back at Shoya. "...What should I wish for?"

He grinned at you. "Anything you want."

Fidgeting with your pen, you pouted out your lower lip in thought. You tapped the end of it against your chin as you cycled through all the possible wishes you could make. A pay raise at work? No. Finding that favorite band tee you'd lost? No. Your favorite show getting renewed for another season? No! You huffed in frustration. You needed to be absolutely sure you made the right choice, and none of those things seemed important enough to you to waste your first Tanabata wish on.

Casually glancing over at your companion scribbling away beside you with a soft smile gracing his lips, you couldn't help but let your gaze linger a moment, and soon, you were smiling too; The perfect wish had come to mind.

I wish that Shoya would be my boyfriend.

You beamed down at your tanzaku with a pleased grin as you finished writing, recapping your pen. It was the perfect wish. Admittedly, you had had a crush on Shoya ever since you first laid eyes on him in that coffee shop, but you were never quite brave enough to tell him about it. Naturally, being that you were around him nearly every day, your feelings towards him continued to blossom while the fear of losing your best friend kept you silent. This was the perfect chance to put your feelings out there without having to confess them to Shoya himself.

"What did you wish for?" Shoya inquired, nosily leaning in and leering down at your tanzaku.

"Don't look!" You cried, quickly covering the small piece of paper with your hands.

"Why not?" He laughed.

"It's embarrassing! I don't want you to see it!"

"Come on, I'll show you mine if you show me yours!" He leered at you.

You snickered. "That sounds perverse!"

"Just let me see your wish! Please?" He begged. Moving closer to you, he placed his hands over yours, making your cheeks heat up. He put on as serious a face as he could muster. "I promise I won't laugh or anything."

You didn't resist him as he slowly began to pull your hands away from your lap, revealing the small, pink piece of paper containing the wish you'd been hiding. You watched his curious emerald gems skim over your words as your skin burned all over from embarrassment. Suddenly, a hand flew to his mouth. Though he was doing his best to hide it, you could tell he was smiling like an idiot.

"Y/N, is that what you were afraid to show me?" He asked with a little chuckle. Trying his best to put on a serious face, he shifted his body so that he was facing you and reached out to wrap an arm around your waist. The other crossed over your lap and his hand came to rest on your hip, sending chills up your spine as he leaned in closer. "I want to be your boyfriend, too..."

The words came out with a heated breath that grazed your lips ever so slightly. God, he's so close...

While you sat there, mouth parted in surprise, Shoya dipped in, closed his eyes, and stole the opportunity to kiss you. Gasping at first, you eventually returned his gesture. As you melted into the feel of his soft, full lips, you brought your hands behind his neck and snaked your fingers into his soft, dark roots. He nipped your lower lip gently, asking permission to go further, which you gladly accepted by parting your lips more. His tongue slithered in and immediately found yours. They swirled around one another in a slow dance, and you moaned quietly into Shoya's mouth, which made him dig his fingers into your hip and kiss you harder. Heat began to build in your core, and you quickly pressed your thighs together to suppress the feeling. With a chuckle, the bassist broke the kiss and gazed down at you with a salacious glaze in his lusty orbs.

"Maybe here isn't the best place for this. Come on, let's go back to my place."

Taking your hand, he guided you to the nearest bamboo plant to hang your tanzaku. You both carefully tied them to the plant beside one another, and you couldn't help but smile as you read his wish.

I wish that Y/N would be my girlfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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