Something About Us

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Honestly I don't want to describe that month in January since I believe I've summed up from my other chapters. It was basically walking around in salt and broken glass. It was hell but I knew this would all be over. I was smiling across those halls as January 31 was my last Friday at the school and I couldn't be happier. I didn't care who called me a whore or other nasty things. I knew something was better out there for me. 

January 31h

I waited for my friends came over to my house since my mom needed to stay all night at the flower shop since they need all hands on deck for the large order of bouquets for a wedding. Now, this may not be interesting to you and you may have a question like:

"What ever happen after the kiss?" 

Did we have this kiss that would make us realize we were meant to be? That it was there our love story began?

No, it didn't. 

At least that wasn't the kiss that put our relationship on the map. 

If you want to (And I bet you do) we kissed a little more until I heard my brother cam up the stairs and we stopped. We didn't talk about it and left it be. Our friends didn't see us unless they did and didn't mention it. We were dumb kids and I guess Gerald wanted his first real kiss. 

I was in my room and had my the house phone with me as I waited for one of my friends to call me. I was pretty excited since I order an extra large pizza from Bravo's and had already open a bottle of root beer. I on the floor of my phone and looking through an old magazine when I heard the buzzing sound coming form the house phone. I snatched it up and answered, "Hey!"

"Hey Marilyn, I'm sorry but I can't come over. I forgot I gotta practice for the game next week,"

My heart sank in a little but I didn't want her to feel bad, "No, I get it. Good luck,"

"Thanks Marilyn. Bye,"


8 o'clock rolled around and the next person who called me was Marty on his sister cell phone, "Marty?"

"Sorry Marilyn but I gotta stay home tonight. My mom needs me to help clear out the basement,"

"That sucks,"

"Yeah it is. Anyways sorry,"

"No problem. Night Marty,' I finished and hung up. Damn, Marty too?

I fell on my back and looked at the Christmas lights that I wrapped around my room and my hands began to fidget. I played Baby Blue and watched the twinkling lights play on the wall as my eyes grew heavy. There was a heavy pit in my stomach as the thoughts that seemed to float and surface to my mind. Maybe we won't be friends. I guess I need to get use to that. A warm batch of tears swelled up and slip down to the sides as the idea seemed to hurt my spirit. Change hasn't been so hard before but when you feel like you're in limbo you just don't want to feel alone. Honestly some nights I felt like slipping away. I don't know but I do. Some days I win and others I lose and I don't leave my room. I felt the cold wooden floor and yawn as my body was warning me that I was gonna fall asleep. My mind awaken and my body jerk back up as I heard a loud bang and fast footsteps emerge outside of my apartment.

"What the heck!" yelled a man. 

I came to my window to see what was all the ruckus. I saw Gerald grab the pizza from a delivery guy and gave him some money. "I know here don't worry," he assured and took the pizza. The guy looked hella pissed but I waved at him, "Yeah that's mine. Thanks" I said as I open my window. Gerald run up the metal staircase as they rattled as he jump to every other step. 

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