Chapter 8

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Karme had never been this exhausted. In the last day they had fled from vicious skeletons, traipsed through the underbelly of the Imperial City, and were now sneaking from street to street, dodging guards and battlemages.

She had to give credit to Nusha. Sneaking was definitely her strong suit. On more than one occasion Karme had wanted to push on, slip down a street that to her looked entirely empty. Nusha simply shook her head, indicating the faint silhouette of a guard in the distance that she would have never seen. To make things worse, the battlemages had started using detect life magic to hone in on their target, and it was only by submerging themselves in sluiceways and pretending to be skeevers that they managed to avoid detection.

To get past the guarded gates separating each of the districts, they'd had to take brief detours into the sewers, stepping carefully in the dark.

By the time they reached The Copious Coinpurse the sun was beginning to rise, and the citizens, who had been locked inside homes and taverns all night, were restless, no longer willing to tolerate this disruption to their everyday routine.

Nusha knocked on the door, and a beady-eyed Bosmer opened it, demanding to know who they were.

"We're here for information," Nusha said. "About your necromancer."

Karme held up the amulet and the Wood Elf's eyes boggled. He hurried them inside and shut the door behind them.

"I really wish people would stop talking about that," he said. "I acquire my goods honestly now."

He eyed the amulet nervously as he spoke.

"We know," Nusha said. "But the necromancer you previously worked with was never caught, was he? You better tell us where to find him, before the guards arrive here and find out you're providing sanctuary to the two criminals who are threatening the city."

His eyes bulged. "So it's true? That amulet is what's causing...?" He groaned and rubbed his temples. "Very well. I can't promise she's still there, but when I worked with Avranu, she lodged in the Elven Gardens District, in the abandoned house on the eastern edge."

Karme's heart stopped. "Avranu? She's a Dunmer?"

No true Dunmer would practise necromancy. It was a desecration of the dead, an act of pure evil. But she was far away from Morrowind now, and perhaps this n'wah had never had any respect for her ancestors in the first place.

"Thank you," Nusha muttered. "We'll be on our way."

"Wait," the Bosmer said.

He went into a drawer and pulled out a ring.

"This ring contains chameleon magic."

To demonstrate, he put the ring on, and he immediately disappeared. Then he reappeared, having removed it.

"It only lasts ten seconds, but it should be enough to help you get past the guards. If you hold hands it will affect you both."

Karme felt a surge of emotion. After such a dreadful night, this act of kindness from a stranger touched her deeply. "Oh, thank you!"

Nusha, on the other hand, glanced at him suspiciously. "Why are you helping us?"

The Wood Elf sighed. "I don't know what exactly your situation is, but I do know what it's like to be persecuted for something that isn't your fault. And, no offence, but you two hardly seem the types to deliberately besiege the city."

"We are most grateful," Karme said, shooting a look at Nusha. The Argonian shrugged, and they headed out into the morning light.

With the help of the ring, they were able to slip past the guards standing at the gate to the Elven Gardens District. They had to wait until another citizen passed through and slip in behind them, but within minutes they were on the other side.

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