Baker's Daughter- Part Two

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Lefou only pertained to the interests of his longest and most best friend. "My intention is not to intrude, but may I interfere?" Lefou raised an eyebrow. "What is it, Lefou?" Gaston folded his arms over his chest. "You sounded so sure about the baker's daughter a moment ago? And you are trying to tell me that you love Belle? Which is it, Gaston?" Lefou cared deeply for his friend, but he was starting to grow slight concern, because he didn't know where this was coming from. "Well, isn't is pretty obvious, Lefou. Of course Belle is the one I love. So if you'll excuse me." Gaston straightened his collar and excused himself from the conversation, on the hunt for Belle.

Lefou could tell Gaston was running from something, and what he is running from one might ask, is who he has true feelings for. And that would be you, the one and only baker's daughter. Lefou knew that both of you would were too stubborn to admit your love for each other, but hopefully with a little guidance in the right steps, you may really see each other for the first time.

Lefou was determined to get Gaston and You together. You neared the exit of the village, you wanted and thought that you needed some time alone, as much as the banter between you and Gaston satisfied you, you still couldn't deny the feeling of emptiness and loneliness inside of you. And you have tried to feel that void, but to no avail. It was hopeless for you. On foot, you set out for the rolling hills and forest, all on your lonesome.

You didn't know how long you were going to be out there or where you would be going but you were sure that you would make your way back home before dark. You kicked pebbles out of frustration, you just didn't understand. Why you? What was it with you? Some questions you had will always be left unanswered and that bugged you most of all.

Gaston turned the corner and with his luck, spotted Belle. "Belle! I heard you had trouble with the headmaster! He never liked me either." Gaston licked his lips and continued speaking. "Can I give you some advice on the villagers?" Gaston called out as Belle entered the gate. "They're never going to trust the kind of change you are trying to bring." Gaston shrugged suggestively. "All I wanted was to try and teach a child to read, Gaston." Belle exclaimed with an angry sigh, not really sure what Gaston was doing here. "The only children you should be concerning yourself with are...your own." Gaston gestured with a winning smile. Belle pressed her lips together and continued up the steps to the front door.

Belle professed to Gaston she is not ready to have children yet. "Maybe you haven't met the right man?" Gaston raised an eyebrow slyly. "It's a small village, Gaston. I've met them all." Belle said, closing the gate between them, creating a barrier. "Well maybe you should take another look. Some of us have changed." Gaston persisted, actually unlocked the gate letting himself in. "Gaston, we could never make each other happy." Belle confessed, hoping to get him off her back. "Nobody can change that much." She also added, backing away slightly.

"Oh Belle. Do you know what happens to spinsters in this village after their fathers die? They beg for scraps like poor Agathe." Gaston said, pointing her out. And Belle did not looked convinced or impressed. "This is our world, Belle! For simple folk like us it doesn't get any better." Gaston advanced the steps, by pulling on Belle's skirt. "I may be a farm girl but I'm not simple and...I'm never going to marry you, Gaston. I'm sorry." With that, Belle shut the door in Gaston's face.

With a defeated sigh, he skipped down the steps, two at a time,  without another word. He refused to believe that you were right all along. He had to prove you wrong, but deep down something was telling Gaston to take another look at Y/N. He was so fueled by her, that he tried gaining the affection of another, and was turned down. He couldn't love Y/N. He just couldn't. So Belle doesn't love him in return, that doesn't necessarily mean Y/N does either.

The sun wasn't going to be out much longer as you tried making your way back to Villeneuve. You were obviously frustrated. You've walked this trail over one hundred times and you take one wrong turn and this is where it gets you. Your one day off, and it's spoiled, no good, ruined day. And thinking of Monsieur Gaston made you roll your eyes. You don't why you cant' seem to forget him. He isn't worth it, but you apparently don't see it like that.

You could remember when you had feelings for Gaston, and Gaston liked you. You were young, and immature, and way over your head. Then, the war came along. Which was already twelve years ago. It's hard to imagine it was that long ago, but then again, when you really thought about it, it suddenly wasn't. You wondered why you had feelings for Gaston in the first place. What was it about him? Was it his charm that swept you off your feet? Was it those evergreen eyes that were once filled with so much hope and love?

It was silly to think of these things but at one time they were more than true. Gaston actually expressed to you that one of the only things in life beside marrying the one he truly loved the most would be, having a family. No man ever told you that. Gaston would like to watch you bake, and with not a word. You used to be such good friends. You were now smiling back at the pass, only wishing to go back to those days in the sun.

What really happened between you and Gaston that your memory is not recalling? It was all rather strange. It wasn't like you woke up one morning and you suddenly hated each other. You loved Gaston, so much that he was all you thought about while he was away fighting courageously and admirably for his town. When the war was over, however, Gaston returned differently which you half-expected, but he was definitely not the same man you fell in love with before he marched off to battle. 

 You must have gotten into a fight and caught up in all of your emotions and had resentment towards one another ever since.  But there was still a part of you that remained in doubt, still on the search for the truth. The only person you could ask was Gaston, who absolutely refused to talk to. Why would he care anyway? He probably doesn't even remember. He probably isn't losing any sleep. He is probably still holding onto that Belle will say yes and take his hand. 

Only little did you know. You still don't know where you are, and as your thoughts are a good distraction, you did't know if you were ever going to find your back to Villeneuve. 

It was practically pitch black  and you didn't have a lantern with you. It was going to be nearly impossible and you thought all hope was loss until you heard the sound of oncoming horses. 

The End! 

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