Where am I?

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"Your coming with me now" Harry whispered in my ear. I let out a shaky breath, so desperately wanting to fight back. But I couldn't, I wasn't strong or brave. I had a gun to my head, and I could be dead in 3 seconds flat. My breathing was uneven and I was sure tears were down my face by now. I heard the police sirens go past and I could tell Harry heard them to, by the way he tensed up.

The sirens slowly faded out, and I lost my chance of hope. I found the courage and asked him "W-why me?" Harry chuckled darkly and pressed his lips against my ear. "Your pretty. Your whole appearance screams innocence. And I'm gambling you" I sucked in a sharp breath. "What d-do you mean" "Well I'm gambling your life, Madison. Your life for my freedom" Harry stated, his grip around me tightening.

"What if they s-say n-no" "Like I said your life" "You'll kill me?" "Or keep you for my...own pleasures" My breathing stopped, my heart thumped against my chest. It felt as if the oxygen was being sucked away. As if my soul was being torn from my body. Harry turned me around, so our faces were inches apart.

I looked into his dark green eyes, full of anger, possessiveness, lust, power. His dark brown curls were tosses messily on his head. He had sleeves of tattoos and piercings. Harry was wearing a white shirt with no sleeves, black skinny's and boots. Harry smirked to himself, clear enjoying the power he has over me.

"Now this is how it's going to work. Your coming with me willing or not, you coming. If you even think about screaming or making some sort of communication with anyone, telling them about this. I will not hesitate to kill you. I might even rape you first." I gasp but slowly nod, fearing for my life.

Harry smirked when I 'agreed' with his 'terms.' Harry grasped my hips and turned me around once more, but the gun was gone. His hands start roaming down my body, his hands lingering on my butt for a while. "Wheres your phone?" Harry demanded. I pointed towards the living room where I had dropped it, when trying to get away. Harry yanked me towards the living room with him and broke my phone, looking proud.

Before I could protest or scream or anything, Harry snapped my wrists into handcuffs and picked me over his shoulder. He tossed me carelessly in the car, before strapping me in and getting in on his side, locking the car doors. He roared up the engine and drove out of my back garden, and sped down the road.

More tears streamed down my face as I looked at my reflection in the window. My hands were cuffed in front of me and I was a mess. To my left was a rapist, murderer, kidnapping freak. I had done nothing wrong in my life ever. I have never told a lie, I always got good grades and stayed out of trouble. but here I am now.

Harry flicked on the radio where songs were cut off, due the important news and emergency. "W-where we going?" I whispered, my voice cracking. "France, we'll start there" Harry replied, his eyes fixed to his surroundings, making sure we weren't being followed. "Kiss me" by Ed Sheeran came on and Harry hummed along with it, still looking around. But soon that song was cut off my the news reporter.

"Harry Styles aged 23, green hair, brown curls tattoos about 6'ft' as escaped London prison. Citizens are advised to stay in doors and lock every window and door. Styles is a dangerous man and not to be messed with." If only I had listen to the warnings. But now here I am stuck with a wanted criminal.

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