“Ugh, great” I grumble to myself, realising that I’m awake, and warm. One of my housemates must’ve put the heating on earlier while I was asleep. Probably to dry clothes, something tedious such as that. Picking up my phone, I check the time, and for two reasons wish I hadn’t.
The first reason, the bright screen in the dark room nearly blinds me and makes my eyes hurt, I’m sure everyone knows how much that is a fun experience, not. The second, and more pressing reason, is that it’s 6am if my phone isn’t lying to me. I’m not supposed to be in university for another four hours, lovely. Still, seeing as I’m awake, I might as well and try to do something productive in these hours I would rather be spending asleep. So, I get up, quickly don my polo shirt and jeans from my “floordrobe” as I affectionately call it occasionally, and sit down to turn my computer on, the soft blue glow of the various lights filling the room, and then get blinded again by the screen, it’s not being a fantastic day.
Quickly typing in my well-practiced password in very short order, I notice the time and that the shops have just opened, and decide to go out while my PC keeps warming up, loading Skype and Chrome and other such lovely programs. I grab my trench coat from my chair, (not the floordrobe, it was expensive!) put my scarf on and grab my phone, and head out.
Once outside, I notice two things. A lot of things seem to come in twos, in my life, but that’s another tale in itself. The first thing, is how very cold it is outside at this time, and makes me wonder why I thought going out before the sun had risen in the north of England was a good idea. The second being, how quite it was outside. Now, I’m not naïve and thing that other, sane and sensible people, are going to be up and about at this forsaken time, but I live in the middle of the city. There’s always police sirens or dogs barking, cars, trucks, busses driving along roads. However, this morning, there wasn’t any noise, which was odd, but having lived in the countryside, didn’t bother me so much.
What did bother me was the fact that, on the main road at the end of my street, empty cars where in the road. Not as in parked on the kerb, despite there being warnings and signs saying you shouldn’t do that, which no-one enforces, but empty cars in the middle, as if they were being driven before the driver decided to leave.
Carrying on down the street, things keep getting weirder. As well as the cars in the road, which could be put down to some horrendous parking, as well as ones in the middle of junctions, there were open doors of houses. Now, I’m not saying everyone is a thief in this city, but it’s common sense not to leave the front door of your house wide open, even if it’s just to keep the cold out you should shut it….
“Bugger!” I say to myself, nearly walking into an oncoming car. Coming out of my would-be author day dream, I realise I have indeed, missed the turn off for the shop I was going to, while being distracted.
It was not in fact, six in the morning, it was nine at night. There were many people around, noises, sirens, cars being driven, as well as being terribly parked. I will say this though, I was keeping some truths in there, I was outside, it was very cold indeed, and I was wearing my trench coat. Heading off, in the right direction of the shop this time, I decide it’ll be a better idea to put my story writing dreams to one side until I get home and can start writing.
Who knows if it’ll be any good anyway?