Chapter 3: The Past

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As you were walking home you began to wonder. How was she alive? You walked to your home and laid on your bed. As you sat there your mind began to wonder. You felt dizzy and took a swig from your drink. You felt even more dizzy and eventually threw up on the floor. You groaned then passed out on your bed as your mind wandered around in the past of your life...


Walking off the plane into the airport of Nepal was a little weird. Many people came up to you and started to ask questions because they've never seen an American before in a long time. Also because your girlfriend was taking pictures

(Y/n): L-Lena, stop taking pics

Lena: awww why love? It's a nice place! Plus we're seeing the mountains and I've always wanted to go and my new mission as a test driver for the new jet

(Sooooo forgot what it was called)

(Y/n): o-ok come on

You ran out with her and called for a cab. While exiting the cab, you called your client to bring your "stuff" to your house. As you rode to your new vaca home, you admired the mountains and all the high places to get to so you can snipe. Hell, you were here only to finish a job but also to come support your girlfriend in her test ride of the jet. As you settled in your house with her you turned around and saw Lena was gone

(Y/N): god damnit

You ran out and hopped in your car and drove to the lab you and Lena were given the address of. When you arrived there, you walked in. All the cameras and guards kinda worried you but you let your cool.

(Y/N): excuse me sir? Can you tell me where Lena Oxton is?

Talking to a guard, he pointed you to a hallway. While walking down it you began to wonder if the test would be alright. She was the most important thing in your life. After you got into the lab, you checked in with the scientists and you saw Lena outside. She waved at you and smiled brightly and you waved back. She began the jet

Scientist: ok Lena, begin to fly

She nodded

Lena: roger that!

She was about to take off when suddenly it began to shake

Lena: eh!? What's going o-

Suddenly the jet disappeared. You're eyes widened and became wet. You're girlfriend, the one you loved so much just disappeared. You fell to your knees

(Y/N): NOOOOOOO!!!!!!


The memories of that day flooded your head as you laid in bed. (Y/N) slowly closed his eyes but saw two figures above him

(Y/N): what the f-

One knocked him out

???: good. Let's get him back to Talon

???: alright Ameliè

Widowmaker: grrrr! I told you it's Widowmaker Frosty

Frostwing: It's frostwing

Widowmaker: whatever. Let's get back

He nodded and the two dragged you off to Talon's base


(A/N): I have no excuse for this very late update. Sorry guys. But here it is! Btw Frostwing belongs to MLPFan001

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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