Stay Away

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At the beginning of the new trimester in college, which was around November, classes changed. You were happy because you finally got to take your art classes.

All of your life you had dreamed of becoming an artist. However, your parents and the world were against you. Artists didn't make a lot of money. So right now you were minoring in art and majoring in forensics with hopes of going into facial reconstruction in criminal investigations.

You went into your art class happily, sketchbook and pencils in your bag.

Professors pretty much let you sit wherever you wanted, so you took a seat in the front. You happily sat your bag on the floor and faced front, waiting for the teacher as students continued to file in.

Meanwhile, someone else was making their way towards the art room. He scratched his head in frustration. *Aish. What room number was it again? Am I even in the right building? I forgot to take my schedule with me though...* Lay sighed and took his best bet, venturing into the room. His eyes swept the room. Girls were staring at him and whispering while squealing. But in the end, Lay's eyes landed on one person. He gulped, looking around to see if he knew someone that he could sit by.

The only available seats were beside girls who would just flirt with him...or by you. He sighed and and went with the obvious choice, sitting next to you. You stared at him in surprise.

"It's not polite to stare," he said, looking forward. You turned red and looked forward, biting your lip. Lay saw that and cracked a small smile. *That's actually kind of cute.*

"Welcome, class," the professor greeted as she came in. She was middle-aged with her hair in a messy bun, glasses on the edge of her nose. She looked slightly eccentric.  "I'm your art professor. Call me Mrs. Choi." She beamed at everyone. "Now, I'm not going to be one of those professors that makes you look through a powerpoint on what we're going to do throughout our time together. Instead, I want to get a feel for how you all draw. Draw whatever you like! Turn it in to me when you're done."

Everyone got their sketchbooks out and started drawing. Well, actually you were having trouble thinking of what to draw. Usually you drew nature or animals. But you had no inspiration at the moment, even from your memory. You sighed, looking around the room, looking for something to draw. In the end, your eyes landed on something. Or rather, someone.

You bit your lip, contemplating for a second. Then you sighed and started drawing. *It's not like he'll see it...right?*

After about an hour and a half, Mrs. Choi called everyone back to attention. Everyone had turned in their drawings. She looked through them. "All of these are very good. Oh, especially this one."

She started pulling the drawing from the pile. You stiffened and prayed that it wouldn't be yours. But luck had never favored you. In her hands, she held the drawing of Lay in her hands. It was his side-profile as he drew.

Lay blinked in surprise. "Is"

Mrs. Choi looked at him. "Oh! Did you draw a self-portrait?"

He shook his head. "I didn't draw that."

She looked back at Lay in confusion. "Then who did?" She checked the name on it. "Ah. Song Haerin!"

You turned bright red, wishing that she hadn't said your name out loud. Shutting your eyes, you prepared for the teasing and the getting yelled at by Lay. You waited a few seconds and the teasing started. Biting your lip, you flinched, waiting for Lay to blow up in your face. He opened his mouth, and you prepared yourself for the worst.

But instead, the words that came out of his mouth shocked you. "You're really good at drawing. That looks exactly like me."

You looked at him in disbelief. "You're not...mad?"

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