Chapter 2.

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~Dani and Louis went out of their way finding things for Louis to wear. And out of their way meaning combining the two closets and finding something to wear. They settled on loose boyfriend jeans with a cut at the junction between ass and thigh and a cute crop top. Louis posted on Instagram with the caption "all too scandalous."~

   Phone in hand, Harry was bewildered at what he was looking at. The boy he had just spoken to hours ago had him shocked. Looking over the picture again and again, it made his before hand outfit choice look like a joke. All too scandalous; the caption read.

"He's dressed to kill and I don't know what to wear!" Harry said exasperated

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"He's dressed to kill and I don't know what to wear!" Harry said exasperated.
The other boys had never seen the long haired lad so wound up over a potential victim.
"Come on mate! It's one of our same parties and some of the same bait. Don't be so stressed about it." Liam said, running his hand through his quiff. They had all been chilling in their living area. They all had dorms but shared a house .
Harry blew air out of his mouth making some of the strands of his hair move up and back down to frame his face.
"While we are bitching like little teenage girls over our outfits we need to find out who the five people are going to be. We can't just go aimlessly killing people like last time. We had one extra body to hide." Zayn intervened.
   They made noises of agreement. "How about that girl Briana?" Liam suggested.
Liam had spectated the girl recently. She seemed like your school friendly slag, most likely had no morals. She was in uni so it was something.
"She's a real easy catch," Zayn said," she's not very smart so it should be easiest to get her playing lights out."
Lights out was the game they played at every Party X party. It was simple, all lights go out. All players are given 10 minutes to find a spot to hide, thus the flash lights. Five players are chosen to be shot down. If all five players are not found before the end of the game, they may disappear within the final moments of the party or the next couple of days.

  Harry found himself wandering back into the thought of the pixie like boy. He'd love to make the boy shake and crumble under his fingertips. He felt something for the boy that he hadn't felt in a while. You don't kill as many people as Harry has and still feel heart wrenching emotions.

  "Louis Tomlinson." Harry said. The name rolled off his tongue as a casualty. Harry couldn't have himself wound of over a single face. Besides he didn't even know the lad.
"He's a small build. He may put up a fight but I don't think he's strong enough." Harry's face was emotionless as he thought of what it would look like to have the small boy pinned down by his wrists, squirming under him.
Agreement between the three boys.
Three other names were thrown into mix. Their list was final.


Niall had driven him and I to the party. Danielle was going to arrive later because she wasn't done getting ready.

It was dark out being that it was so late. Just from outside you could hear the bass of whatever song was playing bumping loud. The house was huge and pretty, it must have cost a fortune.
"I promise you are going to have the time of your life. I'm sure the purp will get you loose." Niall said in a reassuring tone.
We walked through the front gates of the party and the music just got louder. I could smell the indica and sativa in the air. At the front door there was what seemed to be a computer to show your attendance.
   On the screen it read "Please Enter Name Here." I typed in my name and a thank you screen showed up.
We entered the double doors and we're immediately surrounded by the smokey air. The music was loud and the lights flashed bright and vibrant. There were people making out on the stairs other people grinding some spilling out of the large middle room of the house. I seemingly migrated to the room due to the strong smell of marijuana. As I entered the room the air became thicker the music louder. People were grinding. If it wasn't for the clothes, they would practically be having sex.
   On the couch that was sitting in the corner of the gigantic room held my prize. There had been few people sitting surprisingly. There was this skinny blonde girl, the boy with the buzz cut from earlier with that boy; Harry. I squeezed through multiple people making his way to the couch. I took a seat next to the buzz cut guy.
"Joint or blunt?" He asked.
Blunt. That's what I wanted. I liked the backwoods because of the more earthy taste. Any other day I'd go for a good ole joint but no, I was almost craving a blunt.
*3P POV*
  The buzz cut guy passed him his blunt. Already rolled ready to be lit up. Louis sat up from where he sat to retrieve a lighter out of his back pocket. He lit up the herbal stress relief that was pinched between his Pointer finger and thumb. Louis slowly inhaled, closing his eyes, loving the burn that came to his lungs and throat. He held it in for a bit then slowly exhaled. The smoke formed unknown shapes as it floated into the already smokey room. He was left with a earthy taste on his tongue, and a small tingling in his chest. Louis hummed in satisfaction. Whoever the buzz cut guy was he knew where to snag some good weed.
  "Good, yeah?" Buzz cut asked. "Yeah this shits amazing." Louis said. "I just had snagged some for the party earlier today. My guy has always been amazing with his product. I'm Zayn by the way." He said admiring the joint of his own in his hand.
"Oh that's great, I totally need the hook up from him. Louis." Louis said in reply, taking another drag from his blunt. Zayn nodded taking a hit from his own. Time passed as they smoked their weed, watching people grind to the loud music. Louis was high after finishing his blunt and sharing another joint with Zayn. Louis must have been too tripped out to notice Dani enter the loud room. All he knew was that she wanted to dance. Louis grinded his bum into her. It was a friendly little dance, one you do with your girls at the club. Niall found them and joined in.
  Soon the music turned down. Everyone was a little upset.
"Okay guys it's time to play a game!" A voice was heard speaking through what sounded like a mic. Everyone stopped.
  "If you have been to one of our parties you know the rules. If not here they are," it was harry; the other two boys stood next to him," all lights will be off, we are giving you all 3 minutes to hide somewhere around this gigantic house. Fail to do so, you are out of the game, you may never step foot in a Party X again. If you manage to hide make it a good hiding spot if we find you, good luck. Don't rely on your friends because the music will be loud, you won't be able to hear them. I hope you brought your torches." Few people pulled out proper torches, others used the ones on their phones.
Louis and Danielle pulled out their phones.
  "Good luck. Lights out." It fell completely dark. You couldn't see anything. Only small paths the flashlights would show. People screamed from excitement. Dani quickly grabbed Louis's arm and began pulling him through crowds off people. She pulled him outside to the back where people in the people began finding hiding spots, slipping over the deck. The music was loud the bass pounded in their ears. Dani had dragged him behind a small little shack. They hid under a tarp.
Both of them were breathing heavily.
"Hiding time is up! Good luck." Everything went quiet. The music was the only thing they could hear.
Two gunshots we're heard in the distance. It made Louis gasp and shut his eyes tight. Louis had not recalled where Niall had took off to hide. Louis head was swimming and had not thought to look. They heard screams. Then they heard sirens in the distance. It sounded like a bunch of them.

"The cops and SWAT are here! Everyone run!" The voice said. Everyone began running jumping fences and gates. Danielle and Louis had jumped a gate on the side and was running down the street in a big mob of people. Louis just followed behind Danielle. They could hear helicopters above them. Probably news stations. They could see the blue and red lights too.
They ended up running to Danielle's car. They sped of along with a group of cars trying to get out of the neighborhood.

  "Oh my goodness!" Louis said breathing hard from running. "That was absolutely wild. I am so glad we came!" Dani said.

  " Are you taking the piss Dani! We could have died." Louis said looking at her like she was crazy as they drove down the road.
"Oh come on Louis, we're alive aren't we! Live a little. You can't live your whole life being a nerd stressed about school!" Danielle exclaimed.
Louis rolled his eyes she was absolutely crazy.

Louis and Danielle we're in their room watching the television.

A crazy University party gone wrong. In recent events a University party had to be ended with the SWAT team on the premises. Witnesses say they heard gunshots but now  bodies have been recovered.
On the television you could see the mob of people running from the house.
  "Holy shit! The party made the news." Danielle said.
"See what did I tell you, someone could have gotten hurt. There were gunshots!" Louis said.
Louis phone began to ring, it was Niall.

Guys the party made it on the news! Isn't that crazy.
It was.
What do you think happened to the guys who threw the party?
That was a good question. What did happen to them.


Visuals ;-). Love you guys. ~Des

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