Chapter 4

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When I next woke, I was in Winnie's bed and the sun was shining through her bedroom window on my face. I tried to sit up, but my head was throbbing. I slumped back down into her pillows and and groaned. I tried to remember what happened the night before.

I remembered the amazing house and dancing with Winnie. I vaguely recalled going outside and...


There was a vampire on the loose somewhere. I had to tell my parents and track it down and kill it. We were safe until nightfall, but since the vampire didn't succeed in feeding on me last night I was afraid someone else had fallen prey. If I'd just been more careful. Everyone knows you don't leave your drink unattended at a party.

I couldn't believe I'd failed so miserably. I was raised to always be on guard and never let someone else get the advantage. You mess up, someone gets killed. I prayed that nobody was killed last night thanks to my lapse in common sense.

"Hey sleepyhead."

Winnie entered the room with a glass of water and a piece of white bread on a plate.

"Hey," I replied, pushing my hair out of my face and slowly sitting up against her cushioned headboard.

"These are for you. I thought they might help."

I took the plate and cup from her gratefully.


Winnie sat in silence on the edge of the bed while I nibbled at the bread and sipped at the water. Finally, she broke the silence.

"So... what happened last night?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Someone drugged me I guess."

She shook her head and stared down at her lap.

"I can't believe someone would do that to you."

I didn't answer.

"Did...." she hesitated. "Did anyone try to... hurt you?" she asked.

I thought about how to answer. I couldn't very well tell her that I'd been attacked by a vampire. I knew that wasn't what she meant anyway.

I shook my head. "No. It was really weird. When I left you on the dance floor, after I'd drank some of my soda, I started to feel dizzy so I went outside for fresh air. Everything was fuzzy and spinning so I sat down on a bench and after...I don't know how found me."

She nodded slowly. She seemed to be thinking about my answer. Did she know I was lying?

"I'm glad you weren't hurt," she finally said, looking at me with sad hazel eyes.

"Did you at least have fun?" I asked her.

"How can you ask me that after what happened to you?" She threw her arms up in exasperation.

I shrugged. "I saw you dancing with some guy, before.... you know. Who was he? Did you give him your number?"

She laughed. "That was Joe Phelps," she informed me with a slight smile.

"And?" I prompted.

"Yes, I gave him my number," she said with a sigh, leaning back on the bed and pushing her long locks out of her face.

By the time I'd finished my bread and water, I was starting to feel almost human again. The pounding in my head had fallen to a dull throb.

Winnie informed me that when I passed out in her car, she figured it would probably be better for me to just sleep it off at her house. She'd called my parents when we got home and left a voicemail letting them know that I was spending the night at her house. Winnie's parents were not together and she lived with her dad. He was often out of town on business, giving us the run of the place.

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