Chapter 2 ~ Rejected

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Hey sorry that this chapter is soooo late!!! I have been so busy its not funny! Anyway sorry that its short but i had to upload! I promise I'll try to upload sooner! 

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Chapter 2 ~  Rejected

            As I sit in class, all I can think about is Peter and what he said. The feelings not mutual.   God, why can’t I stop thinking about that? What was that suppose to mean? Did he not like me? If so why did he not like me? What did I do wrong?

“Kate! Kate! KATE!” 

I finally realize that Lily was talking to me but I totally spaced out…

“Yeah..” I finally say coming out of my daydream

“Did you hear anything that I just said?” she asked impatiently

“Umm yeah?” I tried to say firmly but failed

“Then what did I say?” she asked getting slightly annoyed

“Um…” I started to say but was gratefully interrupted by the teacher

“Miss Shay and Miss Williams” said Mrs. Wimple, looking a little bit mad. “Do you have anything you would like to share with the class?”

I didn’t look at Lily, but I could feel her shake in fear by my side.

Why was she so scared? We were werewolves! We could kill her without trying. So why was she scared?

“Umm no…” she said putting her head down in shame

“Good” said the Teacher putting a satisfied smile on her face

I finally looked at Lily and saw that she had look of relief on her face.

“Thank god she didn’t give us detention..” she whispered to me

“Why?” I said confused “all I’m doing after school is meeting your brother..”

“That’s why!” she shout whispered to me “He doesn’t like to wait”

“oh.” Great, now I have to meet an impatient freak as well….

I took a quick glance in Peter’s direction and saw that he was still staring at me…

This is going to be a long class… I thought to myself.

After the bell rang signaling the end of class, I rushed through the crowded halls to get to my locker.

Everybody that was in the hall left as quickly as they came and soon I was alone in the hall, still trying to get my stupid history book out of my small and cramped locker.

Suddenly I smelt a beautiful and overwhelmingly sweet scent. It smelt of woods and spice. Such a smell brought me to my knees but luckily I had my locker to help my stay stable.

“Why are you here?” asked my man.

Wait? My man???? I asked my wolf.

Yes, he is your Mate! She replied with such love and admiration that it hurt.

Wow, never would I have guessed that Peter was…was my mate. Well now that I think of it he was way more attractive then all the other guys in school that I have seen so far. And that explains why he was staring at me all through class. But why did he say what he said? That part I just didn’t get.

“Are you going to turn around and answer me?” He asked using a more urgent voice.

I turned around and came face to face with one of the most beautiful people alive. I smiled wanting to go and kiss him right now, but what stopped me and made me drop my smile was his facial expression. His beautiful mouth was in a tight frown and he had a hint of black in his oh-so-gorgeous eyes. Which meant that his wolf was very close.

“What do you want?” I asked him trying to sound as if his attractiveness didn’t affect me.

“Why are you here?” he asked looking straight into my eyes.

“I’m here because I have no where else to go.” I reply simply

This reply looks like it troubled him some. He just stood there looking at the floor thinking about something really hard.

He quickly looked up at me.

He mumbled something that sounded like “Well that doesn’t matter..”

Quicker then I could blink he had me up against the lockers pined between him and the cool, hard metal.

 “Listen here, I’m only going to say this once so you better listen!..” He all but yelled at me.

I cringed back, afraid of him for yelling at me.

“ I know you are my mate..” He said a little more calmly this time.

Inside my wolf was leaping for joy because our mate knew he was ours and we were his; but I knew that my own face was full of fear.

“ But I need to do this..” He said looking pained. “I, Peter Simons, formally reject you, Kaitlyn Shay, as my mate”

He quickly turned and left.

You know in those movies where the girl cant breath when the information finally sinks in? Well that’s what I’m feeling right now.

Shocked and broken. I stand in the hall, alone. That’s what I feel. The one person that I was meant to be with, the one person I was meant to love and for him to love me, rejected me. REJECTED me!


I looked up through my teary eyes and saw Lily coming down the hall with some teenagers that I have never seen before.

“Kate, I want you to meet my friends…” she quickly stated before looking at me.

I must have looked like a mess because as soon as she saw me her face fell, and paled within a second.

“Umm guys I’ll talk to you later, Ok?” she said well giving them a meaningful glace.

She got a series of  “yeah sure” and “ see ya later”. And even some confused glances.

“Kate, what’s wrong? Oh god, you look like a mess.” She said so fast I could barely make out what she said.

“Well I met my mate…” i was hesitant, should I really tell her this?

“OMG, that’s great!”

“No its not Lily, he…he r-rejected m-me..” I made out before breaking into a big sob of tears.

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