Part 4

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Kenzie's pov
It's Sunday I have no life so I decided to hang out at Lauren's house.when I got there Lauren and Hayden were in the pool.johnny and I were about to get in when I get lifted off my feet. John picks me up and starts singing the lion king song
K-Johnny boy sorry but your a retard
K-and put me down
And just like that he let go and I fell in the pool. They all laughed. Like 30 minutes later we decided to get some ice cream so we all went.i got tired of my ice cream so I decided to smash it on Johnny's face
J- your gonna get it Ziegler
He picks the ice cream up and splats it on my head.
Then I he takes me for a piggy back ride.
H-you guys are couple goals
We both roll our eyes. Since it was Sunday I had to go back home and get ready for school tomorrow.
**at school**
Before homeroom Johnny and I were talking. I was giggling uncontrollably. We were just messing around. When mark comes and sees us.
M-hey Johnny can you give us a minute
I gave him a look that said don't go.
M-cuz I have to talk to Kenzie
I have to say mark is really really cute. I don't know what he is going to ask me. But he was player.
J-you guys have two mins
M-says who
J-says me he retorted
John walks away and mark asks me something unexpected
M-so do you wanna go to Starbucks later.
K-umm with you
M-a duh
K-yeah sure
M-okay meet me there at three k-umm sure
He winked at me with his blue eyes.
J-Times Up
Mark rolled his eyes and walked away
L-so kenzie do you wanna hang out with Carson, Johnny, Jayden, and I.
K-I can't
K-I umm have a doctors appointment
L-oh ok then
Lauren's pov
I knew she was lying. But I didn't know why. I just went with it.
***After school***
Johnny's pov
I had to know if Kenzie was actually at a doctors appointment
J-hey maddie is Kenzie at a doctors appointment
M-no she said she left to hangout with you guys
J-she told Lauren she was going to a doctors appointment.
M-I don't know
J-that's okay
I left and decided to spy on know just to make sure she's okay.
C-where are you going ,you legit look like your robbing a bank.
J-Carson come with me
C-okay but we're are we going
J-okay I have a feeling Kenzie is out with mark
C-okay why do you care...(gasping) JENZIE
J-shut up
C-oh and john just so you know I overheard mark was going to Starbucks.
J-it's nice to know your best friend is an eavesdropper.
C-I know
We got to Starbucks and saw Kenzie with mark all flirty like. We just sat at the table and hid our heads behind the menu. Mark kept on bitting his lip. What a creep.after mark left Kenzie came up to our table. And bent the menus so she could see our faces
K-so why are you guys stalking me again.
J-I'm sorry do I know you I said in a British accent.
C-Johnny stop being retarded
K-yeah john cut the crap.
J-okay fine Lauren told us to
C-she did?
J-shut up. (Carson is the stupidest guy ever but he is also the funniest.)
we all left
Kenzie's pov
I like Johnny.he is hilarious and the right amount of stupid. But since he is never going to like me I think mark is fine.
Will markenzie rise find out in the next chapter.

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