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Max's POV
I am worried sick! Grays having surgery and I am so nervous. I don't know what I'd do without her even though we just got together. I need her. She just adds so much life into me. I didn't realize I was thinking for so long until the doctor called my name.
"Mr Mills"
"Yes? How is she?" "Well she was shot in the lower side but it wasn't a major section so she is fine. The surgery was nice and easy and she should be waking up soon! You can now go in and visit her." "Thank you!" "No problem"
I walk into Grays room and see her fragile body laying on the bed. I walk into the room and grab her hand. I take a moment to admire her features. Her small, little nose, her perfectly sectioned eyelashes on her shut eyes, her pink lips. Wow now I sound like I am over exaggerating on how one girl looks. Well I didn't realize that I soon fell fast asleep.......

Grays POV
I woke up in a hospital bed with Max sitting besides me holding my hand, fast asleep. How adorable!!!! (Lets all take a moment to picture this❤️😍😇🤣) I was staring into space I didn't even realize max woke up until he hugged me and started crying. "Ggggrrayy.." "Max please don't cry!" "I dooonnt knnnow wwwhat I'd dooo with out yoouu!" "Hey hey, I'm okay. I'm right here!" "Gray?" "Yes max?" "I think I'm in love with you" "Max... I..."

Ohhhhh Cliffhanger!😈😏
*fyi I'm so sorry if you couldn't understand Max's part in the end. It was supposed to be him talking through tears.*
Sorry it's kinda short but I don't have time
I'll most likely update tomorrow

Till then

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