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     HYACINTH CAN TELL when someone is lying to her. She started to pick up on these ticks and constant movements when she moved to her new school in Atlanta, Georgia, at the age of twelve. She wasn't very fond of the new environment, although back then, she was kinder than she should've been to the world.

     The first time she figures out these ticks is when she receives a love letter on Valentine's Day. An ignorant boy had approached her, insisting he had been the one to write it. Hyacinth could detect the falter in his voice, and she proved his lie with his incapability to pass a spelling test and the note given to her was written with no mistakes or errors. She later discovers that the person who had written the letter would be her first boyfriend, unless you count the boy she left behind in La Push years ago.

     And Hyacinth's mind had definitely forgotten Sam Uley.

     The second time she figures out that the world is not all it's cracked up to be is when her first boyfriend lies about why he's been cancelling all of the dates she's scheduled for them. He claims it's because of stress, but she sees the way he leans on one side of his body, fingers nervously moving together. She brushes it off until she finds said boyfriend kissing a stranger at the back of the school, fingers tangled into her hair as she giggled into his mouth.

     By the third time, she's built up a wall around herself to protect whatever bullshit decided to enter. She's on the last straw when her first girlfriend tells her that the relationship isn't going to work due to conflicts in her life, but later, Hyacinth finds her holding hands with a girl that she sits next to in her history class.

     All of these events prompts the idea of moving back to her childhood town when she graduates high school. There isn't a college too far from La Push, and it offers the major that Hyacinth knows she'll excel in.

     At first, her mother is hesitant on moving back to the town. It's the place where Hyacinth's parents found all of their problems in their marriage, and she isn't sure that she wants to relive them all over again. Nonetheless, after seeing her daughter's persistence to move, the pair begin packing up their belongings and prepare for the journey back to where Hyacinth was born.

     And as soon as she sets foot in the town, the news spreads like wildfire. Hyacinth didn't think that La Push would still be so small and quiet for rumors to take over the reservation, but she was proven wrong. The people were still enamored with any gossip they could latch onto and couldn't wait to spread it around.

     So even though Hyacinth's appearance was the new talk of the town, she also found out some things when she was gone.

     Samuel Uley. The man had not crossed her mind for years, and for a while, it took some time for Hyacinth to remember what he looked like. She could recall his shy expression whenever she would wrap her arms around him or compliment him. From what her mind remembered, he had always been timid around her as a child. Hyacinth contrasted his personality by following him around wherever he went, often singing tunes that her mother played in the kitchen.

     Apparently, Sam was living the good life. He was in a steady relationship with Leah Clearwater that was definitely heading for marriage.

     Hyacinth chuckled lightly when she heard about it. She pictured an eleven year old Sam holding a hyacinth flower in his hand as he asked her out for the first time. She couldn't imagine that he was the same man who was about to marry Harry Clearwater's daughter. Back then, Hyacinth really believed her and Sam would end up together forever.

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