"Babee please"

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With back up called in, Bee, Sam, and (Y/n) are all under the tutelage of a fraud government branch with the alias Sector 7. The night remained silent as the other autobots fell back, hidden in the shadows until the area was remotely clear. With that being said, Jazz slides down a concrete support beam and lands upon the lower leveled ledge beneath the bridge structure. Only to take one look at Optimus Prime before protesting his concern.

"Are we just gonna stand here and do nothing?" He asks Prime as Optimus moves along.

"Theres no way to free bumblebee without harming the humans." Optimus states.

"But its not right-"

"Let them leave." Optimus cuts in, interrupting with his final decision.

Within the heat of it all, the glasses slipped away from Sam. Left on the pavement where Optimus reaches below and picks them up. He studies them, raising them closer to his face to get a better view. Optimus Exhaled.


(Y/n) and Sam sat quietly. At this moment they were both aflight on a Helicopter with two strangers aboard with them. The silence was contagious and waited for one of them to clean the ill with some banter or question. Sam willingly decides to say something worth while, or not.

"So.." He says openly.

"What they get you for?" The blond haired female raises her voice over the choppy helicopter noise.

"Well..." Sam starts for a minute "See this lil miss here, her boyfriend is a Chevy Camaro that turns out to also be an alien robot." He teases mercilessly.

(Y/n) scoffs at Sam as he gives a slight smile sarcastically. Glen lip syncs wow to himself, as Sam shrugs.

"your boyfriend? Wow.." Maggie says looking at (Y/n) in confusion and slight disbelief.

"Uh no, he is not. Definitely, under no circumstance.. is he my boyfriend.." (Y/n) says in her defense.

"Who knew." Sam said smiling.

Unaware of where they are flying off too, they soon reach their heedless destination. The hoover Dam.

[Fun fact: as the author I have been there and i swear to you, I felt like i was the closest to discovering that autobots are secretly real then I have ever felt before. Like so much went down there in the movie and I felt so superior that day... so yeah :3 anyways onto some juicy love #long chapter]


(Y/n) and Sam peer over the edge of the Dam, looking below at the beauty while it lasted.  (Y/n) places her belongings on the edge only to turn around as Agents walk her way. She takes a step back, not paying attention as a little stow away decepticon frantically scrambles for dear life only for its grip to slip and it tumble down to the bottom quaters below.

Both of them walk over to Simmons, who has his arms crossed and shades on.

'so intimidating..' Sam thought to himself.

"So kid," Simmons says "I think we got off to a bad start huh?" He says trying not to choke on his pride.

"You must be hungry huh?" he mumbles. " You want a latte, Ho Ho, double venti macchiato?"

"Wheres my car?" (Y/n) demands sweeping Simmons hand off of Sams shoulder in one slap motion.

The agent next to Simmons steps in from there, looking at Sam then at (Y/n).

"Son, I need you to listen carefully.." The agent says to Sam "People can die here, we need to know everything you know, we need to know it now."

"Ok.." Sam nods " First i'll take my parents, and (Y/n)'s Juvie record, the self defense that was over looked, yeah her record needs to be clean...Its gotta be gone, like..forever. Maybe you should write that down." Sam demands as the Agent sighs.

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