Bingo!Agent Simmons lowers the radar device giving a smug smirk to Sam as he turns away.
"Ronald Wikity [Sams dad -_-] ?" He shouts.
"It's Witwicky. Who are you?"
"We're the government. Sector Seven."
"Never heard of it."
"Never will."
"You're not taking my son." Ron yells from across the room.
"Really? You gonna get rough with us?"
"No, but I'm gonna call the cops because there's something fishy going on around here." Ron retorts.
"Yeah. There's something a little fishy about you, your son, your little Taco Bell dog and this whole operation you got going on here."
"What operation?" Ron asks confused.
"That is what we are gonna find out." He [Simmons] says smugly.
"I want him, the parents, and his little trouble making girlfriend arrested NOW! ..oh and the dog too." He says leaving through the exit with them following behind.
Pulling back their men, Sam and (Y/N) reluctantly are thrown into the back seat of the government vehicle and the doors are slammed tight. Sam exhales stiffly as (y/n) sits silently. Not a word passes, it remains silent for a period of time until the agent opened his big mouth again.
" A few nights back in the city junk yard, motion censored surveillance photos of your yellow car transforming were sent in and reported. Enlighten me." The agent says looking at them through the rear view mirror.
Hesitating on what to say, (y/n) stutters an explanation.
" well, actually this is a total misunderstanding. because... changing cars dont how do you know we didnt, hack the cameras! yeah...! and my car is home, it came home. Blue, it came home blue." She states, hardly pulling off the lie.
"Really?" He smiles, sarcastically responding to being treated like an idiot.
"Well, not by itself ." Sam adds in looking at (y/n) then back at the agent.
"Well no. Because cars dont do that because that would be crazy." (y/n) cracks a smile, kicking Sam in the foot as she looks at him.
Sam begins to smile, laughing along with the little lies. The agent [Simmons] begins laughing with them, the dark government vehicle filling with hysterical, fake, laughter that comes to a sudden halt.
"So what do you kids know about aliens huh?" He interrupts, a serious question he felt the need to ask.
The government cars continue across a bridge, as street lights illuminate the area around them dimly. The cars in front of traffic pull to the side or come to complete stops. The other agents working within the agency radio each other immediately. Agent Simmons clicks his seat belt undone as the surface below their feet quiver. Sam looks down at the ground, moving his cuffed hands up ward to see if he was imagining things or not. (y/n) jumps back and looks up as the top of the car makes a metallic resistance ringing while being torn from the lower half of the car. (Y/n) smiles at Optimus, and shrugs as he looks away and towards Agent Simmons.
"..Hi there." The agent [simmons] says looking up at Optimus Prime.
" You don't seem afraid. Are you not surprised to see us?" Optimus questions.
"Look, there are certain rules I have to abide by. I'm not authorized to communicate with you except... to say I can't communicate with you..." He says testing Optimus' patience.
"Get out of the car." Optimus demands of the two agents.
"Right. Uh, me? You want me to...?"
"Now!" Optimus shouts , straightening his back.
Quickly exiting the car, Simmons shuts the door and is followed out by Sam who pats him down.
"Retrieve them of their weapons." Optimus orders as the other autobots take all of the agents weapons.
Sam handcuffs Agent Simmons to a pole after striping him of his clothing. Smirking Sam looks up and shrugs ignoring anything he has to say.
"mm, see this. The do whatever I want badge and get away with it." He closes the wallet after words and turn to face prime.
(Y/n) walks over to Bee who picks her up and places her on his shoulder. He frowns making a low radio wave sound. (Y/n) looks down then raises her head to face Bee's.
"Thank you know, saving us." She said cracking a wanna-be smile.
"You-should smile- more often." Bee clips through the Fm radio.
Not knowing how to respond, luckily Bee looks away from her and towards the sky, which she noticed him eyeing and looks up to see as well. The Swat team wanna-be was called in for Back up and government helicopters and vehicles from Sector 7 were approaching them at 80 miles an hour. Aware and in a rush, Optimus spins around.
"Autobots fall back, do not hurt the humans!" He shouts as he moves out of Ratchets way and finds his way under the bridge in time.
Ironhide and Jazz make their get away, transforming and speeding down the clear open lane. Bumblebee had (y/n) on his shoulder so without hesitation he picks her up and makes a run for it. The helicopter hovering above drop off groups of SWAT members who immediately take their positions for firing restraints.
Bee continues running, as he looks down and meets eye contact with (Y/N) (E/C) eyes. Within that moment and that second, the restraints the SWAT team fired had caught and tripped Bumblebee sending him and (y/n) down to the ground. Whip-lash hits (y/n) cold as she tries to stay conscious. Sam shoved and pushed away from the SWAT men and sprinted as fast as he could so he would be able to reach (y/n)'s side. Spot lights from the helicopter beaming down on all of them, as the men chase after Sam and man handle him back to one of their vehicles.
"Bee..." (y/n) gasped for air, not able to finished her sentence.
With the wind knocked out of her, she watched as SWAT team members pin down Bee with steel wire ropes. Lights peering down on them giving her the perfect view of everything that has fallen. Sluggishly moving the hair from her face, she sees Bee struggling, but her heart races as her vision blurs. She can hear him struggling, as two men pick her up by her arm and drag her away.
"STOP! Wait, Bee! Please stop! stop! He is on our side! stop!" She finally is able to cry out a sentence, knowing it would do no difference no matter what.
'How would he feel if I said nothing? He knows I would never leave him, the fate of the world is on us, all of us... '
"I want my car!" She screams as she is thrown into the back seat of a vehicle along with Witwick.
"Calm down, we will figure it out."
"I will not calm down. They put some gas all over him." She shouts then hits the head rest of the drivers seat. "Hey, what the Fuck kind of gas is that shit and why is it being used on my car!" She yells at the agent demanding answers.
"I dont speak none of your business." The agent said angling the rear view mirror & rolling up the tinted black windows.
"Fuck you."
How to love an autobot Xreader fanfic
FanfictionWhat if sam liked you, and bumblebee did too?