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Mikey's POV
I woke up at six in the morning, drowsy from my two hours of sleep I got.

But hey, its hard to sleep knowing that your mom is out there.

And I don't care what Donnie said. My- our mom is the best mom in the world! I bet she's been looking for us forever! I bet she's really worried and lives in a castle made of, um, pearls! I bet she's a mutant too, just like us. I bet that she is going to marry Splinter and let us live with her forever and ever! But most importantly, there is one thing she has that would make me the happiest dude ever....

A daughter!

Or- even more amazingly- she would be my sister! I bet her name is Michelangela!

Yeah.... And she'll let me and Donnie and Leo and even Raphie live with her! Splinter too! Then he can have a Tang Shen wife again, and I can have my mommy!

I giggled, excitement buzzing through my body. I quickly grabbed my blanket and put my chucks in there.

"Oh," I facepalmed myself, "breakfast!" I can't forget to stock up my energy! And then my bros energy! Ah, man! They're going to be so excited when I tell them! So much to do in so little time!

I quickly dashed from my room and into the kitchen, hurrying to make the pancakes. I swiftlt made the batter, stirred, poured it into a pan, waited a few seconds, flipped 'em, waited a few seconds, and put it on a plate.

"GUYSSSSS!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. "SENSEIIII!"

I heard three groans from my brothers' rooms, and snickered. "What is it, Michelangelo?" Sensei asked me, mysteriously popping up right behind me.

I jumped and fell to the ground, but that didn't stop me. I beamed and motioned for him to sit. "I'll tell you when EVERYBODY is in here!" I smiled. Sensei nodded and began eating the pancakes.

After a few looooooong seconds, Donnie, Leo, and Raph finally made their way to the kitchen table and sat down, half asleep. But they aren't going to be for long!

"Now, you needed something?" Splinter said, causing my bros to look up at me. I nodded quickly, then took a deep breath.

"I'm going to go look for Tang Shen!"

The silence after that was heavy, but at least no one was tired anymore. Unfortunately, their looks weren't what I was hoping for.

Donnie looked at me with surprise.

Splinter looked at me with sadness.

Leo looked at me with sympathy.

And Raph looked at me like I was stupid.

"Michelangelo," Sensei said finally, "you are aware that Tang Shen is dead. Why would you go looking for her?"

I shook my head. "Not that Tang Shen. Our Tang Shen. The one that's still alive. And she is too alive, because Donnie said she was. Remember Donnie? You said mom was alive," I said, desperate for them to understand me.

All eyes turned to Donnie, who had put his head in his hands. "Well?" Raph said. Donnie sighed.

"Yeah, Mikey, I did say that our biological mom is alive. But she's not Tang Shen, and she's just a regular turtle," he groaned.

I huffed and crossed my arms. "She's not just a regular turtle," I muttered, "she's our mom."

"My son," Splinter said as he stood up. "I know that you have wanted a mother, but this turtle would not be what you expected. You would be disappointed when- and if- you found her."

I sighed. "No way. She would be just like us!" I protested. "She would have a big home and talk like us and walk like us! She would let us all stay with her and help me cook and study with Donnie and watch Space Heroes with Leo and train with Raphie and meditate with you! Then you could have your perfect family again."

I looked up at Sensei, who had an unreadable expression. "Donatello, Leonardo, Raphael, would you please leave me and Michelangelo alone to talk?" Sensei said calmly, even though I could hear the edge in his tone. Leo flinched and motioned for the others to leave, each one shooting me a look of worry.

After they were gone, Sensei turned back to me.

"Do you ever believe at I find my life..... not perfect?" Sensei asked me. I didn't answer. "Do you, Michelangelo?" I cleared my throat nervously.

"W- well, I sometimes think that you wish you could go back to when you had your wife and baby," I admitted, looking anywhere except Splinter's eyes. Sensei sighed and sat down, motioning for me to do the same.

"Michelangelo, I never wish to go back in time. Yes, I would be extremely happy if Tang Shen and Miwa were with us now, but I wouldn't- couldn't- give you four up. I love you four as much as I do Tang Shen and Miwa."

"If you ever did find this turtle, it would not change a thing. She, even if she were mutated, could never replace Tang Shen. But it does not seem likely that you would find this turtle. So my son, do you understand what I am saying?" Splinter asked.

I nodded sadly. "Yes."

"Good. You may go now," he said, standing up and leaving to the dojo.

Oh, I understood what he and the others were saying. They didn't want to go look for mom. Fine. I'll go do it myself.


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