Journey's End - Chapter 28 - the Floods of Isengard

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Journey’s End

Chapter 28

The Floods of Isengard

Our small party, consisting of Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Théoden, Eómer, and myself rode through Fangorn Forest towards Isengard. Up ahead, I thought I could hear laughter. As the trees began to thin, I saw a clear area of land ahead, lit by sunlight. As Gandalf emerged, I heard a cry of. ‘Ahaha!’ I eventually emerged from the trees, and my eyes widened as I saw two very familiar Hobbits sitting before us on a large chunk of the stone wall of Isengard. Merry rose to his feet unsteadily, holding his pipe aloft. 

“Welcome my Lords, and Lady, to Isengard!” He cried, giving me a glassy-eyed wink. What on earth had he been smoking?

“You young rascals. A merry hunt you’ve led us on and now we find you feasting and… And smoking!” Gimli scolded them from where he sat behind Legolas. I could only smile with relief. They were alive.

Pippin seemed to perk up a little and looked at us.

“We are sitting on a field of victory enjoying a few well earned comforts. The salted pork is particularly good.” He said in a slurred voice, and taking a bite out of whatever he was holding.

“Salted pork…” Gasped Gimli in disbelief.

“Hobbits…” Gandalf chuckled.

“We’re under orders from Treebeard who’s taken over management of Isengard.” Slurred Merry.

I shook my head disapprovingly as Aragorn and myself moved forward to pick up the Hobbits. I lifted a drunken-looking Merry off the rock and down onto Falas’s saddle.

“You shall have to tell me all about your adventures… When you are sober.” I muttered, as we followed Gandalf into Isengard.

The entire area was severely flooded, and we had to move cautiously towards to tower of Orthanc, being careful to avoid the floating debris. I nearly jumped out of my skin as a gigantic tree began moving towards us, and I nearly fainted as it began speaking.

“Hoooom, young master Gandalf, I’m glad you’ve come. Wood and water, stock and stone I can master, but there is a Wizard to manage here locked in his tower.” The tree said.

“What is that?” I whispered in Merry’s ear.

“Oh, that’s just Treebeard. He’s an Ent.” He replied calmly. Of course… The Ents of Fangorn. Well, he must have been ancient if he referred to Gandalf as ‘Young Master Gandalf.’

We began to approach the tower and Aragorn rode forward.

“Show yourself!” He commanded, looking up at the massive black-stone structure.

“Be careful. Even in defeat, Saruman is dangerous.” Gandalf warned him.

“Well then let’s just have his head and be done with it.” Grunted Gimli.

“No, we need him alive. We need him to talk.” Gandalf murmured.

As he spoke, a figure appeared at the very top of the tower, holding a black staff and dressed in white robes. It was Saruman.

“You have fought many wars and slain many men Théoden King and made peace afterwards. Can we not take counsel together as we once did, my old friend? Can we not have peace you and I?” The wizard said to Théoden. Even though he was standing at the very top of the tower, I could still hear his voice as clearly as if he was whispering in my ear.

“We shall have peace…” Replied Théoden, and I turned to him in surprise. Saruman was responsible for the near-downfall of Rohan! How could they make peace? “We shall have peace when you answer for the burning of the Westfold and the children that lie dead there!” Théoden continued. “We shall have peace when the lives of the soldiers whose bodies were hewn even as they lay dead against the gates of the Hornburg are avenged! When you hang from a gibbet for the sport of your own crows… We shall have peace!”

I breathed a sigh of relief. At least he hadn’t lost his mind.

“Gibbets and crows! Dotard!” Saruman dismissed him, then turned to Gandalf. “What do you want Gandalf Grahame? Let me guess… The key of Orthanc? Or perhaps the keys of Barad Dûr itself? Along with the crowns of the seven Kings and the rods of the Five Wizards!” He cried.

“Your treachery has already cost many lives. Thousands more are now at risk. But you could save them Saruman. You were deep in the enemy’s counsel.” Gandalf tried to reason with him.

“So you have come here for information. I have some for you.” Saruman held up a dark, glassy stone ball and gazed into it. “Something festers in the heart of Middle Earth. Something that you have failed to see. But the great eye has seen it! Even now he presses his advantage. His attack will come soon.” He warned us. “You are all going to die! But you know this don’t you Gandalf? You cannot think that this Ranger will ever sit upon the throne of Gondor. This exile, crept from the shadows will never be crowned King.” He glared down at Aragorn and Aragorn glared back as I hissed under my breath, suddenly angered by the wizard to the point where I was ready to pull out my bow…

“Gandalf does not hesitate to sacrifice those who are closest to him… those he professes to love! Tell me, what words of comfort did you give the Halfling before you sent him to his doom? The path that you have set him on can only lead to death.” Saruman cried, and I scowled at him.

“I’ve heard enough! Shoot him! Stick an arrow in his gob!” Gimli grunted, seeming to be the only one who spoke any sense.

“No!” Cried Gandalf. “Come down Saruman and your life will be spared!”

“Save your pity and your mercy. I have no use for it!” Saruman yelled, lifting his staff and directing a bolt of fire at Gandalf. I almost cried out, but saw that it did no damage to our friend, and he emerged unharmed.

“Saruman…Your staff is broken!” Gandalf said calmly, and above us, Saruman’s staff shattered into tiny pieces. Behind the startled wizard, appeared the greasy man that we had encountered on our arrival at Edoras. Grima Wormtongue.

“Grima! You need not follow him! You were not always as you are now. You were once a man of Rohan. Come down.” Called Théoden.

“A man of Rohan? What is the house of Rohan but a thatched barn where brigands drink in the reek and their brats roll on the floor with the dogs? The victory at Helms Deep does not belong to you Théoden Horse Master. You are a lesser son of greater sires!” Saruman cried angrily.

“Grima… Come down! Be free of him!” Théoden called again.

“Free? He will never be free!” Saruman yelled.

“No!” Protested Grima.

“Get down, cur!” Saruman cried, turning and slapping Grima to the ground. 

“Saruman! You were deep in the enemy’s counsel. Tell us what you know!” Gandalf asked the wizard again, trying to regain control of the situation.

“You withdraw your guard and I will tell you where your doom will be decided. I will not be held prisoner here!” Saruman replied.

I gasped as I saw Grima rise up behind Saruman and draw a long knife. He stabbed the wizard twice in the back, before Legolas shot him in the heart. Saruman’s lifeless body toppled from the tower, and fell down towards us, his white robes billowing around him. I grimaced and turned away as his body became impaled on the spike of a great metal wheel that protruded from the water.

“Send word to all our allies and to every corner of Middle Earth that still stands free. The enemy moves against us. We need to know where he will strike.” Gandalf murmured, as the great wheel began to turn, and Saruman disappeared beneath the water.

“The filth of Saruman is washing away. Trees will come back to live here. Young trees. Wild trees.” Treebeard said, and I noticed Pippin dismount from in front of Aragorn and drop down into the water, seeming fixated by something below its surface.

“Pippin!” Called Aragorn, as the Hobbit picked up the strange ball that Saruman had been holding and gazed at it.

“Bless my bark!” Treebeard gasped.

“Peregrin Took. I’ll take that my lad! Quickly now!”! Commanded Gandalf. Pippin gave him the object and looked up at him sheepishly as Gandalf wrapped it up. The Hobbit then moved back to Brego and Aragorn lifted him back up onto the saddle.

“So…” I sighed. “What now?”

“We return to Edoras. And plan our next movements from there.” Replied Théoden.

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