Journey's End - Chapter 37 - The Last Debate

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Journey’s End

Chapter 37

The Last Debate

“Right, go hide by the door, as soon as the nurse comes in, you get out of here.” Faramir smiled, “Good luck.”

“Thank you Faramir.” I murmured, walking to the door and crouching behind a small table. I nodded to him, signalling that I was ready, and he nodded in return. Suddenly he clutched his ribs and bent over with a yell of pain. It was so convincing that I almost ran to him, before the nurse came bustling in to find out what was wrong. In a flash, I slipped out the door and flicked my hood over my head – Aragorn might have others on the lookout for me. I ducked out onto the street, and began making my way towards the citadel.

As I reached the upper level, I found myself walking past the withered white tree, and I stood before the massive wooden doors, flanked by two guards.

“What business do you have in the citadel?” One asked in an arrogant manner.

“I am a member of the council.” I stated.

“All members of the council are inside the hall.”

“Well they must have forgotten me.” I hissed, becoming irritable. I couldn’t afford to be late.

“We’re going to have to escort you back down to the lower levels.” One of the guards said, moving towards me, seeming slightly threatening. I stepped back and drew my sword.

“I will not be escorted. I have business in the hall, now let me pass.” I growled, casting my hood back. I didn’t really intend to harm either of them… Much. But they were preventing me from seeing Aragorn.

They both moved forward, pointing their spears at me. I grabbed one spear and pulled the unsuspecting man forward, driving my knee into his stomach as I did so. He groaned and rolled to the floor as the other guard swiped at me. I punched him in the jaw and he also fell to the ground.

“Sorry…” I murmured quickly, before sheathing my sword and pushing open the two solid doors.

My eyes immediately settled on the group of people standing at the opposite side of the hall. Aragorn, Legolas, Gandalf and Eómer stood, while Gimli was sitting casually in the Steward’s throne, smoking his pipe. I seemed to have caught them in mid conversation.

“Rana?” Aragorn gasped as I strode determinedly down the hall. I smiled sarcastically in greeting.

“Stop her!”

I turned to see the two guards charging down the hall towards me, I rolled my eyes and planted my feet firmly on the ground.

“It’s alright; she is not doing any harm.”

I turned to look at Aragorn, shocked that he didn’t order the guards to drag me away, kicking and screaming. They exited quietly.

“Rana you shouldn’t be here, you’re unwell.”

“I got better.” I snapped, sounding a little harsher than I intended. “I know you’re just trying to protect me, but I don’t need protecting. I can deal with my own mistakes.” I said a little softer. Aragorn sighed and turned away from me, and I felt bad for angering him. “Have I missed anything?” I asked.

“We were just discussing Frodo and Sam.” Aragorn murmured and I frowned with concern for the Hobbits.

“Frodo has passed beyond my sight. The darkness is deepening.” Gandalf sighed, walking across the hall.

“If Sauron had the Ring we would know it.” Aragorn said.

“It’s only a matter of time. He has suffered a defeat, yes, but behind the walls of Mordor our enemy is regrouping.” Gandalf warned him.

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