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* 2 months passed , without a day passing jack not texting me , saying how he is sorry and how he misses us , our friends texting but I never answer , I do talk to Shawn and Vanessa , also for dad and Olly and they are the only ones that know I'm in DC , I called Katherine 2 times to tell her I'm fine
It was finally the day , I decided to go to Canada to see my dad and Olly since they wanna come see us *

Arriving our house , Shawn opened the door

" shit -- Olivia ? " Shawn yelled hugging me

Dad came towards the door

" Olivia ? " dad said shocked

" hey " I said hugging him

" shawnie " Bella said hugging Shawn

" hello little Bella " Shawn kissed her cheeks

" GWAND - PA " Bella yelled jumping in dad's arms

" hello darling " dad kisssd her

" how are you? "

" good " she smiled

Olly ran down the stairs

" BELLLLLA " he yelled

" OLLLLLLLY " she yelled as I laughed

They hugged each other

" I missed you !!!! " Olly said

" meee too " she said

Olly came and hugged me

" how are you ? " he asked

" good u ? " I asked

" definitely perfect " Olly said

" Bells guess what ? " Olly said

Bella nodded

" do you want ice cream? " Olly asked

" yes " Bella nodded

" DO YOU HAVE ICECREAM ? " Shawn yelled

" Shawn " I laughed

" what ? I like ice cream " Shawn said

" okay , what you're doing here ? " I asked

" um - .... " Shawn was nervous

" what ? " I asked

" Vanessa wants me to drive her to her boyfriends show " Shawn said

" Jack and jack ? " I asked

I missed calling his name

He nodded " everyone is there to , its there show of tour , and in Canada "

" uh.. okay " I said

Vanessa opened the house door

" surprise" I said

" OH MY GOD !!!! " Vanessa jumped hugging me

" OLIVIA !!! " she said

" OH MY GOD YOU ARE HERE !!! " Vanessa yelled

" yeah I'm here " I said

" I MISSED YOU ! " Vanessa said

" missed you more " I said

" where Isabella ?" Vanessa asked

" she's with Olly , eating ice cream " dad said

Shawn came out

"'Oh , you came , let's go " Shawn said

" I gotta go but I'll see you later okay ? " Vanessa said

" okay " I said

" I'll see Bella and I'll go " Vanessa said to Shawn

" Liv you'll not go ? "  dad said

" dad .. " I said

Vanessa and Shawn went as me and Bella went up to rest

" mom " bella said

" huh ?" I said

" you said , we'll see dad soon ! Now shawnie and nessa are going ! I wanna go " she said as i stayed silent

" mommy I miss daddy , and Jackie , Stassie , sampuff and everyone else "  Bella said

" I miss them too " I said

" sorry I was eavesdropping but Liv , she wants her dad too , as much as you miss him , she misses him more , I know that what he said is wrong and I'm still mad but bella has the right to see him , he misses you " Olly said

" mommy pweeese !!! " Bella said

" yeah mommy pwease " Olly said

" okay but you're paying for the tickets " I said

" I'm taking dads money " Olly said

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