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Olivia :
Okay but I'm really hurt :(

Loml 💍 :
What's wrong baby girl ?

Stass :
You alright ?

Mattyboo :
What's wrong ??

Olivia :
Someone is being so mean to me :(

Shawnie :
Me too

Mattyboo :
We all know who is that someone :)

Taylor :
Yeah .

Sam :
You meanie , stop being mean

Rachel :
Sorry but you can't make my girl sad

Loml 💍 :
R is right ! Stop being mean to my Canadians ! They are the best so don't be mean

Ness :
And can you stop being mean to my boyfriend?

Cameron :
Only if he stops being a meanie

Bestie :
You all against me ???
My heart is broken

Ness :
I'm with you babe

" Olivia " changed " bestie " to "meanie "

Meanie :
Thanks baby 💛

Stass :
Not accepted for means to flirt in the group

Aaron :
Can you all please shut up cause I'm trying to sleep

Nathan :
Yeah me too '

Rachel :
You fucking just acted like you were asleep Aaron !

What ? ..

Sam :

Shawnie :

Rachel :
I woke you up 3 times and you didn't even move you ass

Aaron :
I was a sleep and you woke me !

Nathan :
Good night .

Rachel :
Did you just ignore us fighting ?

Someone is on that damn period :)

Nash :

Olivia :
Good morning to you too nash

Nash :
I was trying to wake up that damn Hayes of my bed ! And he still didn't !

Meanie :
What up with the damn thing ?

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