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"Hurry up!" James was shouting. Sirius looked petrified. Elara herself wasn't any better. Well, you don't go around encountering transformations in 2017, do you? 

Remus was acting more violent. His face had developed long hairs, the light in his eyes fading away. Instead, pure hatred was coming through. He was groaning and was very difficult to handle even by 4 of them, Peter was in too. 

"You go sleep." Sirius looked at Elara. "You've already had enough for tonight." He was talking about the Slytherin room invasion.

"No, I'm coming. You..I mean Remus needs us." Elara was in no mood of leaving these 3 oblivious children alone with an about-to-turn beast. 

As they finally reached the infirmary, Madame Pomfrey was aghast looking at Remus. Her dilated pupils could show you the horror.

"Some..body.. hurry...go call Prof. Dumbledore." She stammered.

"Aren't you the nurse?" Sirius said.

"Not a word Black!" She glared at him. "I said, somebody go call Dumbledore!"

"I'll go." James volunteered. 

As he thunderbolted outside the infirmary, Madame Pomfrey tried her best to calm Remus. She continued looking for some potions. Sirius, Peter and Elara were helpless. They had nothing to offer as an aid. 

Elara simply couldn't stop pitying the poor guy. The only son of Hope and Lyall Lupin, Remus was attacked by Fenrir Greyback as a boy. His tragic past would forever haunt him, she knew. But, it was the present that scared her the most. 

Remus was getting wilder. His roars louder.

Madame Pomfrey was having a hard time, so was Sirius. He was not a type to hold back when one of his best friends was throbbing in pain he knew nothing about.

"He'll be okay." Elara placed a hand on his shoulders.

"What on...." Sirius couldn't complete his sentence as James hurriedly came running accompanied by a person they couldn't recognize.

"Madame Pomfrey, you along with Cadwallader accompany Mister Lupin to the Whomping  Willow." Dumbledore spoke with caution. " Be very precise not to be seen.Hurry now, off you go."

A heavily built man whom Dumbledore addressed as Cadwallader and Madame Pomfrey struggled to drag ;now a mad Lupin out of the infirmary.

The boys had no idea what was going on. Elara, however was vigilant; the perks of being a Potterhead.

"As for you four!" Dumbledore stared at the four. "I shall have a word with you, follow me."

Dumbledore led them out of the infirmary.  If the scenario was in later years, he would probably take them to the headmaster's office. You know, for serious talks. But, Mr. Dippet had it then. Dumbledore instead, took them to his office; HEAD OF TRANSFIGURATION office.

He carefully casted a silencing spell at the door and settled down on a chair. James, Sirius, Elara and Peter still had no idea what his 'word' was about.

"Hmm.. Miss Bluewaters, Mister Black, Mister Potter and you?" He looked at a squealing Peter.

"Pettigrew. Peter Pettigrew." He whimpered. Peter was never famous; neither among students nor among teachers. It was no surprise Dumbledore couldn't recognize him. Peter took shelter in the other boys' fame. His choice of association with powerful people would be notable in future years, after all.

"So, there are 4. Too many than I expected." Dumbledore sighed. "It'll be hard to conceal with so many ears and mouths."

"What?" James blurted. 

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