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Quinn's POV
"Hey can I sit with you ?" The same coffee spilt shirt guy asked.
"Oh..um . Yeah sure why not? Got a new shirt huh?" I said gesturing him to the seat.
" Yeah u think ? Hehe!..so u come here often ?? "He asked taking a sip of coffee.
"I literally LIVE here!" I said laughing.
He laughed too and asked "why?"
"Because I love being alone and people around here know me .this a the only place I can chill..so..yeah! How about you?"
"I love the coffee here so. Just pick up coffee and move on but today I bumped into. So I'm talking to u!!" H said chuckling.
Gosh.He was really adorable but nah ! I don't want him !
I totally forgot about the shirt I had bought for him...
I just pulled out a bag and kept it in front of him.
"What's this ?" He asked
I said "For you!"
"Gosh ! Now don't tell me it's a shirt !"
How does he know ??
"Pls don't deny it ! I owe u I even wasted Ur coffee " I said full of hope.
He then took out the shirt and just screamer out "WOWW!!!!!!! Seriously ? How did u know ? He asked happy and surprised at the same time.
"Know what?" I asked.
"I FRIKKIN LOVE POKÈMON! Thank u ! Sorry I'm being so greedy but I want this shirt! Pls ? I'll pay u . Here! " He said taking out his wallet. I stopped him.. I said " Christmas is coming up right ? My gift!"
"Really ! Ohy god thanks a ton .....um....I really don't know Ur name yet! Sorry..'
"Oh!!! I'm Quinn . Quinn Brandon. And you are.....? "
"Ryan.Ryan Higa!" He said .
I held out my hand to shake but he pulled me into a tight hug..I hugged him back...we then exchanged numbers and he said he had to go... He said thanks about a MILLION times again and finally left. I laughed at his 'thankfullness'! I sat down and continued to type down some songs.

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