Chapter 2

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After finding his captain out side of a chapel Heat got his leaders attention who imedatly looked at the small girl under his arm. “Heat, the fuck? Who the hell is that under your arm?” The red haired man now known to you as Captain Kid asked pointing at you. Putting you down “She was in the cage we saw as we entered the village, captain. One of the inhabitants here tried to kill her for some reason while I was searching trough one of the houses.” Heat said pointing in the general direction of the cage. Looking from the direction of the cage, to you, then to Heat. “So? What use is this brat to me? Tigh her up and put her with the others so we can find the stupid key to the sea prism volt in the chapel.” Kid ordered turning to walk away from the both of you. Looking at you then the key in his hand, Heat tossed it into your small hands before getting his captain attention again. “Sir, I believe she found the key. And her small form could be of use for getting us into the chapel’s safe without destroying its contents.” He explained pushing you forward a little bit so his leader could look at you again. Stopping in his tracks then moving his head just enough to look over his shoulder, Kid muttered a ‘what’ under his breath at his underlings words. Finding this as a good opportunity to get on this guy’s good side, your ears perked up as you held out the gold key you took off the dead preachers body hopefully. Eyes widening at the object in your grasp Kid turned around and walked up to you. Watching the intimidating man loom before you, you fought hard not to shrink be back in fright. “Where the hell did you get that twerp?” Kid asked picking you off the ground by the back of your dress making it rise up. Doing your best to hide your bloomers back under your outfit “I got it from the mean man who hurt me after he died.” You said nervously looking at the key in your hands. Following your gaze brefly then looking back at you this time taking a closer look at you. The grip on your dress tightened as Kid finally took notice of your wounds and cat like features. “Well you've got some shitty luck for landing on this hunk of rock, huh? Let's see if your luck is any better with this key.” Kid smirked at you before heading to the chapel still holding you by the back of your dress while Heat followed shortly after. As the three if you entered the chapel the other crew members looked to their captain in curiosity as their eyes drifted to you. Looking at all the different faces in the room you saw a tall, muscular man with long and wild blonde hair that fell down to his back. But what struck you as odd was that he wore a white and light-blue full-headed helmet with many holes in it that allowed his goatee to show at the bottom. “Captain, what are you doing with that child? Wait is that a tail?” The blond asked looking from the sea prism safe that he was trying to pick lock. Dropping you a few inches from the ground and motioning you to use the key you were holding. “This kids got the key to it. And Heat said this girl was in the cage out front.” Kid said nodding his head to you with his arms now crossed over his chest, as you made your way to the vault. Sticking your tongue out and standing on your tiptoes you tried to reach the lock with like success. Ears falling you dropped to your feet and turned to the men behind you with a dejected face. “I-I can't reach it. I need help.” You said looking down at the ground with small tears pricking the corners of your eyes, feeling like you failed some sort of test. Everyone in the room flinched just the slightest at your heart broken experience either rubbing the back of their necks or looking away from your sad yet adorable face. Tsking with a barely noticeable blush on his face “Wire help her out. I'm going to go check on the captives there being to quit. Killer you're with me, everyone else get ready to move what ever's in there to the ship.” Kid said unfolding his arms and turning around and motioning those he spoke of to follow him as he left the chapel. Nodding to his fellow crew members the blond now know as Killer followed the redhead out. Turning to the tallest person you've ever seen in your life, he slowly made his way over to you, he wore a dark brown head dress like cloak, a wire shirt, black shorts, with black fishnet stockings, and a necklace with small axe blades on it. Tipping your head back as far as it could go to look up at the man named Wire, you were lightly picked up under the arms and brought up to the lock. Smiling you stuck the key into it and gave it a turn, hearing a large clicking sound from behind the door then watched as it slowly created open. Moved you to one of his arms, Wire used the other to open the vault door all the way. When the door was fully opened you along with the rest of the crew we're face-to-face with large amounts of gold, silver, bari, and other valuables. Hearing the men behind you cheer in delight and excitement Heat came from behind to pet your head a little before he and the rest of the crew began to take everything from with in. Placing you on the ground and proceeding to help his fellow crew members, Wire gave you a curt nod. Smiling a little you backed up a bit as you watched the men grab whatever they could carry and leave with it, grabbing the hem of your dress you looked up at your shiny key that was still in the lock. 'I want my key back. But I don't want to get in their way.'  You thought looking around for a chair. Finding a small step stool and some books you looked back to the men that looked as though they had forgotten about you as they continued to take more than two/thirds from the vault. Moving what you needed, you proceeded to climb up the stool and the stack of books. Going on your tiptoes you had just gotten your middle finger to graze it when both Killer and Kid entered the chapel in a rush. “Hurry it up! One of those fucking whores called the marines!” Kid yelled smashing his metallic arm into the wall as Killer rushed to help causing you to jump and nearly fall from your tall unstable ladder. Covering your ears as a loud bang was heard and more yelling sounded just outside of the building. Silently you watched the pirates drop whatever was in their arms and grabbed their weapons as men in white and blue uniforms came charging in.

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