Chapter 24

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Sitting on the floor you blinked at the many lewdly dressed women surrounding you. "Oh look at this sweetpea!" One said as she tightly hugged you to her voluptuous chest. "Cookie don't hog the kitty girl all to yourself!" Another girl this on looking like she was only dressed in her underwear said grabbing you by the waist to pull you onto her lap. Blinking your tail flicked from side to side as you tried to find Arvid. "Awe look she's trying to find her daddy!" A corseted woman cood reaching over to lightly pinch your cheek. "Sorry baby girl, your daddys going to spend some time with our girl Cherry! And I'm pretty sure they won't be done for a while!" A pretty princess looking girl said smiling knowingly as the other woman around you giggled. Ears drooping a bit you pouted a little getting a large reaction from the women around you. "Daw look at that little sad face!" "Is she pouting cause her daddy's playing with someone else?~" "Oh come here Kitty, tell big sissy Roxie what's the matter?" A nearly naked looking woman asked cuddling her cheek against yours as she held you close. Humming as her sparks started rubbing off on you, you looked down and mumbled. Getting everyone to lean in. "What was that, sweetheart?" Roxie asked tilting her head a bit as your tail swished from side to side. Looking up at the ravenette through your eyelashes. "He pomest we'd go shopping." You mumbled poking your fingers together before looking away from the silently swooning woman. "Ah, Kitten! We can take you shopping!" "Yeah! We know all the best places!" "And we can bring her back before Cherry's done!" They said quickly getting up to scatter and grab their wallets and purses. Holding onto the azran haired womans hand you looked into shop windows with starry eyes when you saw a jewel encrusted dagger. Gasping at it you pressed yourself to the window getting the sex workers around you to lean down to see what you were looking at. "Oh that's a pretty knife. Is that something you want?" Roxie asked moving around Kiki to crouch down next to you. Turning to her with a wide smile you nodded as she led you into the weapons store. "Hey, cutie mind giving me a deal on the pretty lil dagger in the window?" Roxie asked draping herself on the counter in front of a young looking man who was looking at the ravenettes bust as his face grew extremely red. "O-oh um I. I can't do that." He muttered out getting roxie to coo at him as she pulled him close and cuddled him. "Aw c'mon sugar can you help a girl out? Wouldn't that lil ol dagger look amazing on me?" Roxie asked making you blink up at her as she winked down at you as the blushing teen finally gave in. "All right fine! Take it!" He yelled as the barely dressed woman grinned seductively as she hopped off the counter. "Okay kitten you can go get your dagger~ it's all taken care of." Roxie said as you smiled and ran over to the displayed knife. Grinning as you held the sheathed blade close you took Roxies hand as she led you out of the store getting the girls who waited outside to whoop and whistle. Tilting your head as they started giggling and chatting about skills and talent your ear flicked when you heard a familiar voice. "The negotiation went well. Normally Mr. Toshiro trys to kill you on sight." Killer said crossing his arms as he walked alongSide Kid who cracked his neck. "That fucker got his ass handed to him plenty of times by me to know that he can't beat me." Kid said as you froze for a second. Immediately moving to hide behind the woman's legs you tugged on Clovers skirt and gestured to be picked up. "Aw Kitten c'mere, you sweet lil thing." The cherry pink haired woman cood holding you close as you cuddled close keeping yourself from view. "Okay where should we go now? Oh wait! Let's get her some new clothes!" Kiki cood trotting the opposite way from Kid, Killer, and your big brother making you sigh reassuredly. Hearing a bell ding you turned and blinked at the assortment of clothing before you. "Hey Ivory! We got a special customer for you!" Cookie called getting a familiar electric blue haired Gothic woman to come from the back of the store. "Oh? Did you girls get a new dancer? Huh, oh it's a child." Ivory said walking over to the group of sex workers and dancers to take a closer look at you. Eyes widening a bit "Wait, she's in big brothers drawings!" You thought as the punk looking woman took you from Kiki and set you down on a stool. "So you girls going to tell me how this little kitten wound up with you all?" Ivory asked getting the girls behind her to giggle as she measered you. "Oh well me, Cherry, and Cookie were out and this little cutie and her daddy caught our attention. So while Cherry is with her daddy we're taking her shopping!" Kiki said getting the electric bluette to turn to them before shaking her head. "You girls probably left with out Mrs. Cocoa's permission didn't you? You better go before she comes here in one of her moods." Ivory said getting the lewdly dressed women to protest, before Roxie sighed. "Oh, alright. But could you bring her back after you're done? We don't want her daddy worrying about her." She said walking over to lightly pinch your cheeks before she and the other women left. Watching your new friends leave you turned to the rose tattooed woman as she hummed think of what she could dress you in. ears flattening before perkying you watched Heats lover go about her shop trying to find a good look for you. "How did you and Big Brother Heat meet?" You asked making the punk looking woman drop the girly dress she was holding as her whipped around to look at you.

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