part 1 ~

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I was walking around the streets, looking for the school called Blue Dragon Academy. It's a school for the gifted, and also a school for the gifted delinquents.

Obviously I'm here because I've gotten kicked out of 4 schools, since my brother left me and our dad Corazon. My old principal from the school I just left from, had sent me and dad a letter and we opened it.

It said if I didn't participate in this school then
they would arrest me, oh you wanna know why they're gonna arrest me?, well this is what happend , ok so I was in class minding my own  business and this dude came up to me and he said his name was Lucas.

But I didn't care so I ignored him and he started hitting on me, and I kept ignoring him and this group of girls came up to me and started yelling and cussing me out because they apparently thought that I was talking to this so called Lucas guy.

I think the leader of the group's name was Samantha and I told her that I'm not in any way interested in Lucas and she slapped me and called me a bitch, she told me to stay away from her boyfriend, then the other girls started to hold me down and beat me.

But I didn't want to hurt them because I knew about my power and how powerful i initially am . But then she started to bring up about how my family died and she said that they killed themself to get away from me and that my brother ran away because he hated me .

I didn't believe it but it was getting on my nerves and I was getting pissed, I started to loose control of my conquers haki and a lot of people dropped like flies, I was so pissed that I started to transform into my devil fruit, it was a 10 tailed fox.

I've mastered all of the tails but it took 15 years of my life ever since I was 2. I was smarter than the rest, I had already begun forming full sentences and very complicated words at just the age of 2, it was normal in my family but not in others.

But since my anger was beyond rage and hatred the fox over took me and started going on a  Rampage. I killed almost the whole school and wounded all the ones that didn't get out in time, my dad Corazon, and uncle doffy used their devil fruits to capture me.

Dad used his to make me silent and calm down, and doffy used his strings to hold me down till I reverted back into my original self. Eventually I reverted back and it's been a few weeks since then and now here I am today, looking for my new school.

I went around a few corners and saw this big ass building, and it had a sign and it said .
'Welcome to Blue Dragon Academy'
'I can already tell this is going to be one hell of a year ' you thought to yourself, you walked up to the gate and pressed and button and it beeped a few times before a voice came on "hello, what the hell do you want" .. It was a man's voice.

"I'm new and supposed to be coming here"..
"state your name brat" said the rude ass man on the other line
" my name is Trafalgar.D. (y/n), and yours is?".
" Patrick, you brat,now get your ass inside here before I change my mind"

'Fucking asshole' just how rude can these people fuckin get. 'Sheesh'  "dumb Bastard, better not let me catch you". You mumble  as you enter through the gates and walk down the broken cobble stone pathway, and straight into the doors of the school.

Apparently the bell had just rung and as soon as you stepped through the doors all the kids stopped and looked at you, since everybody's attention was now on the new kid you could clearly hear all the wolf whistles and people calling you 'hot' or saying
'nice ass'.

It made you pissed but you let it slip, and you remember something, you need to ask them where the front office is since you already have there attention. " AYE" you yell and now everybody looks at you " ANY OF YOU ASSHOLES KNOW IS WHERE THE FRONT OFFICE IS " As soon as you said that a lot of people got mad and 4  guys came storming at you.

~Eustass Kid x Reader~ 'school AUWhere stories live. Discover now