The Exception 10

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"Alex! Run back to the battle! I will go and get Rollin!" Winterspirit shouted.

"But it's raining! And we should stay together! It will take too long to get Rollin!" Alex shouted.

"No run back and fight! I will get him trust me! We are both very fast! We will meet up with you soon!" Winterspirit shouted.

Alex stared at her for a small moment, he nodded and ran off towards Electric City.

"Battle is near the river and Electric City! In the hilly area!" Alex shouted.

Winterspirit nodded, Alex and Winterspirit went their separate ways. Winterspirit sprinted through Haunted Forest, she ran out into Birch Meadow. She didn't realize how hard it was raining, she ran through Birch Meadow and up above Golden Falls. Winterspirit was glad it wasn't raining hard enough to wash the dye off her pelt. She got to Witt Mountain. She ran inside Rollin's den.

"Rollin! Rollin!!" Winterspirit shouted.

Winterspirit saw Rollin sleeping soundly in the moss. She ran over to him.

"No Silverstar not now! Rollin wake your furs up!! Now get up get up! Get your butt out of bed before I kick it into next week!" Winterspirit yowled.

Rollin shot up, he woke up and looked at Winterspirit.

"IEE! No you won't because I'll sit on top of you! Why wake me up anyhow?" Rollin barked. 

"Battle now, Alex got me! He told me where it is now come on! Follow me!" Winterspirit shouted.

"Iey Iya IYE! Let's get moving on then!" Rollin howled.

Winterspirit and Rollin ran out of the cave, Winterspirit was leading Rollin to the battle area. They were sprinting across the ground, they ran straight through Birch Meadow. They ran out of it onto the slippery grass, they ran towards the hilly area by the river and Electric City. They saw Alex running towards the battle. They ran over to him and ran next to him. Alex saw them.

"Wow, you guys really are fast." Alex meowed.

"We are when something serious is going on." Winterspirit meowed.

"In battle, rank it for us. And say how many probably lost." Winterspirit meowed.

"Rank of battle is 11/10, it's so advanced that even all squads are losing so... I'd say this battle is 13/10. But it's not as bad as the battle that changed everything. When we lost half of our territory, which was a bad battle of 20/10. But I'd think 10% of the legion cats died in this battle... and about 65% died in all battles since May twenty-third about nine years ago. Since that one battle, the Great Depression. That's all I know." Alex meowed.

"Okay." Winterspirit meowed.

 They heard cats hissing, yowling, screaming, and whines. They heard the battle, Winterspirit saw cats fighting there were lots of cats. They ran up a hill to get an attack from above. They ran up the hill, they jumped once they got to the top. Winterspirit landed on Rollin and jumped off of him, she saw a Killer-blood lashing its claws out at a pure black cat with a white stripe going from the side of its face down like a lightning bolt. Winterspirit landed on the grey Killer-blood.

Winterspirit pushed him off to the side and landed on her back paws, the Killer-blood quickly stood up and ran at Winterspirit. It stood up on two legs to get more force, it swung its paw at Winterspirit. She leaned left and swung a paw at it. It dunked and swung its paws at Winterspirit, Winterspirit kept blocking its attacks with her paws. Winterspirit pushed on its paws to make the grey Killer-blood lose some balance. Winterspirit jumped up and did a back flip, she landed on her paws. The grey Killer-blood leaped at her, she fell back tumbling with the Killer-blood. They wrestled into the ground tearing the ground up, Winterspirit jumped off it. The Killer-blood jumped at her with its claws extended.

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