Chapter 3

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   Darkpaw stood alone in the middle of Threetrees his pelt bristling as the breeze caught him off guard. 'I haven't been here since the Gathering...I must be dreaming' His amber eyes gleamed as he looked around himself for an enemy in the dark forest around him. A cat with the darkest fur he had ever seen padded out of a bush. He could tell that this newcomer was a male, he had dark gray matted fur and his eyes glistened topaz. "Hello there, Darkpaw" His voice was scratchy like it hadn't been used in a while and his muscles rippled underneath his dark pelt. The spikey brown tom flicked his ear warily and glanced behind him as another cat appeared, much lighter than the cat in front of him. "Darkpaw it isn't safe here" The second cat meowed while looking up at the first cat. The big apprentice didn't move he was so confused to the point were he felt like his paws were glued to the forest floor. He glanced over at the black tom and flicked his ear again. "Who are you?" The black tom smiled with all his teeth. "I am Blackheart...The keeper of the Dark Forest" Darkpaw looked back at the lighter cat and watched her smile thoughtfully. "Darkpaw before you ask...I am Brighttail...Leader of StarClan" The brown apprentice licked his dried maw and stared at the black leader without flinching. "Are you asking me to join you?" He asked loudly. Blackheart shrugged slowly and then smiled again. "I personally don't care much...But I will teach you fighting moves" Darkpaw looked over at the StarClan leader and grinned thoughtfully as the forest and cats began to fade slowly.

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