Texas goes for a punch but arizona catches her fist and throughs her to the ground "too slow Texas" texas has an angry expression on her face that is blatant obvious that she was gonna attack she stands up flips behind arizona and punches him repeatedly until he fell to the floor arizona grabs her neck and stabs a katana through her visor which makes blood ooze from her visor "no texas" the director scremed "stop the match arizona get out of my sights" at that point arizona stands stright infront of the director "i have one thing to say to you Gandalf i fucking quit we all know im not good round people anyways" arizona teleports out "after him he is rouge now i give permission to shoot at will" the director stresses with is remous in his voice i was running.
"Arizona well im gonna have fun now" york said in a delightful tone "okay then lets fight" arizona stands in fighting position and 20 soldiers run at him at once he jumps into the air and slices 5 soldiers chest forcing them to fall and not get back up and then he lands on the ground and uses armor lock to knock out the soldiers near thats when Wyoming and York ganged up on Arizona "your going down young chap" said Wyoming while Wyoming was distracting Arizonawith his banta york snuck behind him punches him repeatedly then pins him to the ground.
York carried on by stabing Arizona twice "AHH you son of a gun that hurt " Arizona stands up but then falls back down frozen in pile of his own blood " right he is knocked out now then" picks arizona up and teleports to the director "put him in a cell we will see his fate from then" said the director
"Yes sir" puts arizona in a cell there was no way out "what is there left to do" arizona thought as he woke up and relized where he was ....
the lonely soldier
ActionWhen the pure black pessimistic soldier Arizona stands alone in battle he fight better but hows he gonna leave his past behind thats what he needs to try and achive but the way he does that may break some unsc rules how will he get away? will he sta...