Where's My Romeo?

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I'm Jules, short for Juliet. I'm an ordinary person. I eat, I sleep, I moan about homework, I suck at maths and love P.E. I'm a normal teenage girl living in Orange Country, and I blend in.

For the past fifteen years of my life, I have blended in like wallpaper. In school, I get bumped without an apology, ignored by everyone except for the losers, and treated like the dumbest student on earth by the teachers.

It's been like that for ages, ever since I could remember. I don't really mind, seriously. But sometimes when I look at those cheerleaders sitting with the jocks, flicking their platinum blonde hair, checking their manicured nails and living their socially perfect lives, I can't help but aways feel a pang of envy.

But this year, in year twelve, everything shall change. I shall move from the bottom of the Winsfield High School food pyramid to the very top, where I've always wanted to belong.

I will transform myself. I'm sick of being part of a wallpaper - I want to be painted into a masterpiece by the most fascinating, bright paint colours ever.

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