Chapter 7✅?➕

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Same Night: Plane
In The Air

Howard flying a plane in the air with Steve and Peggy. Genevieve's not on the plane do to her pregnancy.

Peggy explaining to Steve on a map that's on her lap, "The HYDRA camp is in Krausberg. It's up between these two mountains ranges. It's a factory of some kind." Rolling up the map.

Howard tells him, "We should be able to drop you around the doorstep."

Steve tells him, "Just get me as close as you can." Looks at Peggy, "You know, you two are gonna be in a lot of trouble when you land."

Peggy raises her eye brow, "And you won't?"

Steve tells her, "Where I'm goin', if anybody yells at me I can just shoot 'em."

Peggy says back a little amused, "They will undoubtedly shoot back."

Steve says to her, "Well, let's hope it's good for something." Taps his shield.

Howard tells her, "Agent Carter, if it's not in too much to ask when we get back, I thought you could tell Agent Davis for me, that she and I could go to Lucerne for a late night fondue."

Peggy looks at Steve knowing how protective he is to Genevieve, "Stark is the best civilian pilot I've ever seen. He's mad enough to brave this airspace, we're lucky to have him."

Steve asks Peggy, "So are Gen and him...? Do they...? Fondue?"

Peggy not answering his questions and hands him a device, "This is your transponder, active it when your ready and the signal will lead us straight to you."

Steve looks at it and then looks at Howard at the front calling out to him, "You sure this thing works?"

Howard says confidently, "It's tested more than you, pal."

The plane starts getting attacked, Steve gets up and goes towards the back and opens the door of the plane to jump, Peggy shouts at him through the wind, "Get back here! We're taking you all the way in!"

Steve prepared to jump and shouts to them, "As soon as I'm free, turn this thing around and get the hell outta here!"

Peggy shouts at him, "You can't give me orders!"

Steve shouts back, "The hell I can't! I'm a captain!" He looks at her and smiles, then puts on his goggles then jumps out of the plane. Peggy looks out and sees Steve's parachute open.

The plane still getting attacked and Howard carefully turns the plane around.

HYDRA Base Camp / Factory:
Outside & Inside

People working on the new HYDRA tech guns, Schmidt and Dr. Zola walk down the area, seeing their progress.

Dr. Zola explains to him, "As you can see, production of the Valkyrie is progressing on schedule, even with components of this size."

Schmidt orders, "Increase the output by 60%. And see to it our other facilities to do the same."

Dr. Zola chuckles lightly, "But these prisoners, I'm not sure they have the strength."

Schmidt tells him, "Then use up what strength they have left, Doctor. There are always more workers." Walks away.

A soldier walks up to Dr. Zola with a clipboard and pen for him to sign as Zola still thinking on what Schmidt just said and he turns to him and says frustratingly, waving him off, "Not now!"

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