Chapter 8✅💋➕

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Same Night: New York

Steve's meeting with some of the men he saved at the HYDRA camp, Dum Dum Dugan said to him, "So, let's get this straight."

Gabe Jones tells him, "We barely got out of there alive, and you want us to go back?"

Steve simply says, "Pretty much."

James Montgomery Falsworth, the one with the red cap, comments, "Sounds rather fun, actually."

Jim Morita burps than says, "I'm in."

Dernier the one sitting beside Gabe, both of them speaking French and Dernier laughs, they shake hands, Gabe tells Steve, "We're in." Gestures to both him and Dernier.

Dum Dum Dugan tells him, smiling a little, "Hell, I'll always fight. But you got to do one thing for me." Beer cup in hand.

Steve asks, "What's that?"

Dum Dum Dugan chugged his beer, puts the cup down and told him, "Open a tab." Steve chuckles and they all chuckle and laugh. Steve stands up, grabbing their empty cups and puts them on the bar as Dum Dum told the others, "Well, that was easy." They laugh.

Steve says to the bar keeper, "Another round."

Barkeeper asks in disbelief, "Where are they putting all this stuff?"

Steve walks into another part of the bar as the music gets louder and the boys start to sing. Steve then joins Bucky at the bar-counter on his left as Bucky tells him, "See? I told you. They're all idiots."

Steve asks, "How about you? You ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of death?"

Bucky tells him, "Hell, no. That little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb not to run away from a fight. I'm following him." Sips his drink, "But you're keeping the outfit, right?"

Steve looks at the Captain America poster behind him that says cancelled and answers him, "You know what? It's kind of growing on me."

The singing in the bar stops as Lizzie and Peggy, both in a tight fitting, deep-red dresses walks in, the boys stared at them.

(Lizzie's Outfit👆)

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(Lizzie's Outfit👆)

Both Steve and Bucky turn to look at them and quickly stands up as they enter where both of them are at the bar, both boys were speechless because Lizzie never wears a dress that fancy before, Lizzie walks confidently across the bar to Steve, "Captain." Peggy follows and smirks faintly knowing what she's up to.

Steve and Bucky both stand in front of them, "Lizzie." Steve nods at Peggy respectfully, "Agent Carter."

Bucky nods to Peggy, "Ma'am." Looks at Lizzie, "Sis."

Peggy informs Steve but him and Lizzie are just looking at each other deeply, "Genevieve told me to inform you that Howard has some equipment for you to try. Tomorrow morning?"

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