I am such a seaweed brain

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Hi guys this is my second fanfiction I sadly don't own Percy Jackson or young justice Thanks you guys for reading!!!!! Hope you enjoy 😊
I saw it with my own eyes my sparky died by mother earths hand. I ran over to him the others gathering around. I kneeled holding him in my arms. "Don't you dare leave me Grace!" I yell. My voice shaking and my cheeks felt wet. Jason lifted his hand shaking and touched my cheek then he wiped away the tears I hadn't realized were there. He tried lifting himself up "Don't you dare sparky try and I'll slap you" I snap at him. He simply gives me a sad smile and he pulls me closer and whisper in my ear " I love you " he kisses my forehead then my nose then my lips.

I could feel myself crying harder my eyesight getting blurred he hugs me tight and starts singing to me a Latin lullaby. His voice getting softer and softer  we had no help no one could help us or save him all I wanted was to save him but no one could. I hugged him tighter then no words came out of his mouth it was silent only my friends wails of grief and refusal to give up to Gea filled the air . Jason's grip fell and I knew he was gone I was filled with grief,sorrow and anger but I felt empty at the same time. I hugged him tighter not wanting to let him go but I could hear my friends calling for help their struggles echoed and I knew I had to go but I couldn't move. (this was heart breaking to write)

I wanted to die there and be with him but I knew my duty. I saw Leo get knocked out and Geas minions aiming at him to finish him off. No! I thought I wouldn't let her take another one of my friends I won't let her hurt anyone anymore. Anger filled me and I hugged the lifeless body in my arms one last time "I'm sorry" and I set him down and went into battle. With my anger i went into battle trying to prevent my friends deaths. Anger boiling sadness fueling me and a desperate desire to save my friends. No matter my pain I will save them I will not let her destroy the only home I ever knew.

"Piper use your charm speak make her feel sleepy. Leo use your fire burn her with everything you've got!" I shout at both. "Frank give piper a lift. Hazel a pit right underneath her Nico help her" they nodded. I started summoning all the water I could muster around me I felt the familiar tug in my stomach and something else. My emotions felt wild and fierce I realized I was shaking. No I wasn't it was the ground buildings were collapsing Gea was toppling and Leo had managed to burn not only her but all her soldiers as well. It was my turn to deal the final blow.

I started wrapping her in a water cacoon swirling her pulling her apart when I heard a whisper "let me go and you can all perish here together and you'll at least see your beloved ones but destroy me now and this earth will curse your existence your very soul. You will never see your precious love or friends and family even in the afterlife. Your souls will be consumed in nothingness and you will only know pain". I thought of never being able to see Jason not even after I die I love him so much the only comfort I had was that I would be able to see him when I die. Now that won't even happen.

Not just him but everyone else too Ill be alone like I was before I learned of camp. I looked at my friends looking at me with hope that I could pull this off. I thought of both camps all fighting to stay alive all fighting for those they love and cherish. I knew my decision even if I could never see them again I would never be able to bear the thought that I caused their deaths. No even if it meant eternal suffering for my soul even if it meant never being able to see them again I would save them I would never betray them for my selfish desires of wanting to be with them.

I looked at each of them "I'll miss you guys" I whisper only hazel understanding what was going on. She seemed to have heard Geas voice she was running towards me trying to stop me. " I swear to all the gods if you guys feel guilty even in the slightest or don't live your lives to the fullest I will come back and haunt you" I say with a goofy grin hoping to leave a smile behind in her memory. "Stop Percy no please no" Hazel shouts. The rest seemed to have caught on and start running towards me. Looks like I have to finish this. Sorry Jas looks like I won't be able to see you I feel myself crying again. Sorry.

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