Denial (rewrite and complete episode)

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Hey guys!!!!!! I'm back!!! I apologize for taking such a long break it was more than I thought. Shit became stressful but I'm back alive and kicking!!!! Thank u all for being patient and for giving this story over 2k views!!!! I will be updating my other story tomorrow!!!I love you all, u guys are amazhang and just precious gems.
Now that I'm back I have a question for u all. So I've been writing a HP and PJO crossover but I don't plan on posting but Should I or Nah? If I do there won't be a schedule for updates tho it'll just be updated whenever I have the time. Cause I'm just managing with these two stories. Please tell me what u guys think?
HP/ PJO crossover
Thanx for reading!!! Hope u all enjoy! And thanks again for being patient!

Naive. You think you have escaped, but foolish demigod your are mistaken. I will rise again and I will need your godly blood once more. But this time when I wake I will shatter your very being and you will have no escape! They will come for you! I WILL END YOU PERSEUS JACKSON AND YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID! I woke with a start nearly falling off the bed.

My breathing was hard and my shirt was drenched in sweat. I let out a deep sigh trying to shake away the dream. This was getting bad very bad, a week has passed since I've been here, since I've been apart of the young justice. In that time span nightmares have stalked me every night and I haven't gone a single wink of sleep. This dream was different from the rest a cold  fear  was embedded, the ones from Tartarus were more of a striking fear.

I glanced over at the digital clock on my stand, it was 2:30 am. "Stupid dream, waking me up at this unholy hour" I mumble to myself. I fall back into my bed wrapping my self in my blanket, ignoring the wet sticky feeling coming from my shirt. My thoughts drift back to my old home, Camp Half-Blood and I get a small ache in my chest. Eventually it leds to thinking of my friends, my family, and of course Jason.

I let out another sigh Jason's sky blue eyes, his warm smile, that tiny little scar he has  from eating a stapler all started to resurface. The ache in my chest starting to grow stronger. I missed him a lot but I quickly shut down those thoughts, I didn't feel like crying especially on this already crappy night. I tried thinking of happy thoughts which of course led to Connor. I felt myself give out a small smile.

The guy reminded me of Jason with the same  sky blue eyes, a similar jaw line but thats where the similarities ended. Jason was more lean, and more in control of his emotions, more aware of how he acted. He was a strong, kind leader who had a soft and serious side. Connor was well built, with a larger frame practically towering over me. He was more rough with his words, blunt and had a temper, but for some reason it always managed to crack me up.

Connor was actually very sweet, he just didn't know how to show it. The smile on my face growing more but a single thought made the smile go away. I wasn't ready to let go of Jason yet that realization hit me and I bit my lip. How could I let Jason go? It had only been a week since everything. I wasn't ready, I didn't want to be ready. . .  at least not yet. I knew I had to move on, I mean I was on a freaking different earth.

I chuckled to myself, "not yet, a little more please" I whispered. After explaining my situation to the entire league, I grew more sensitive towards the topic. The realization that I would never see them again sunk in and the denial was torn away. I rubbed my eyes grumbling in frustration, I'd never get any sleep with my thoughts as they are now! I got out of my bed and sat down on my desk.

I scanned my room when I turned the lamp on. My room was now a pretty blue with some white. My sheets were a sea green and I had a mini library in the corner of the room. All the books and the shelves were a gift from bats ears and Robin. I opened my desk, took out a pad, all my colors, my pencil and eraser. I then started to draw, letting my emotions roll of me onto my paper.

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