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Before me and Anna went to sleep I texted her and We were talking about what are we going to do when our pups come I told her we both have to either sleep in her or my pack to get our pups to know each other and than later become friends I can't wait for that day to come. It was currently 4:30 am the sun was rising the birds were chirping.

And my pups were fully awake and kicking with happiness I look at my empty bed.i can hear footsteps walking back and forth and I knew it was the boys working again they have Been at it every single night my mate doesn't properly sleep well no more because of the war.

Every since we found out about the war he has been pretty upset and nervous for Anna since he cares for her like a little sister and instead of coming here on the 4th day we came here the 2nd day after convincing our brother that we were going ahead of him he let us go to Anna pack.

After a few seconds my pups stopped kicking and I relax. "Pups what am I going to do with you huh,always waking me up so early." I said rubbing my belly. I go to the bathroom and I brush my teeth when I was done I open the bedroom door and I walked to Anna door I slowly open it and I peeked inside of her room.

To see her breathing really heavily I open the door and she jumped up I go up to her to see her sweating "omg Anna what wrong." She took deep breath in and out "my pups they want out." My eyes widen what she said she is about to give birth. "Ohh god um...are you in pain." She nods "how long have you been feeling the pain."

She screams and than she speaks "since yesterday but I didn't pay any attention I thought it was nothi-" she looks at me in a horror and then looks down I also do the same to see water and blood dropping. "Oh god I need to call your mate." I said and she shakes her head "don't leave me along please...teddy." I shake my head.

"I be back you are about to give birth Anna think about the pups." I said and I rush out of the room and up the stairs I open the door of the office and everyone eyes snap towards my direction Jason comes next to me sensing my distress "pups Alex Anna is giving birth now." His eyes widen.

I look at my dad and at Alex dad they were both happy I rush out with everyone else I pouted while running because since I am pregnant I can't run that fast since I am carrying not one pup but 3. I see Alex beside her mate. And Anna screams of pain.a nurse and a doctor came in. "Please everyone move aside let me see the lycan luna."

Said the female doctor Alex steps out of the bed I see the doctor rip her clothes off and I made Jason look away I see my dad looking away and Anna dad. I heard Anna pushing and pushing for her pups to come out I can feel her frustration towards the pain. And then it happens the cries of a pup was heard the doc holds the pup "Congratulations It a boy." Said the doc she gives the pup to the nurse and she cleans him.

Then Anna starts pushing this time it was easier "it's another boy." She said the cries of both boys were getting louder Alex walks to his pup and when he carries him he stops crying. Then I heard another cry "woah." Said the doc I go next to her to see that the baby came out "it a girl." Anna takes a deep breath in and out and she pushes while screaming and that was the last pups that came out.

"Congrats lycan luna you have two boys and two girls." Said the doc female and she leaves with the nurses I walked to the bed to see the pups both of the girls weren't crying. "Baby I think they are hungry." Said Alex I see him pass the pups to her.

The tears came down Anna eyes when she was holding her pups "teddy can you help!" I nodded I took her bra off and she fed him. "What are you going to name them." I ask her I have a couple names that I think will be perfect but I want to have my mate approve too."

"Okay then let hear it." "Well since we have two boys I thought about the name Allen and Jackson and the girls name can be Ruby and lily." I look at Alex and he smiles "those names are perfect I like it." His eyes were swarming with happiness and pride. But in that moment when we were all having a perfect time while seeing the newborn pups it was cut off by the sounds of screams from outside.

I see Jason and Alex go to the window and I go next to them and I peeked over the shoulders and I scream with horror it has started the war has begun. "Jason take your mate and my mate with my pups to the cave now!" I immediately picked up one of the pups while Alex helps Anna up Jason picks one of the pups and Alex gave him the other one.

I see Anna hug him and kiss him like if it was the last time they will see each other Jason runs carefully while we both follow him closely the vampires that are protecting Anna was following us. Jason tells one of the vampires to open the door and he does we walked downstairs and he pressed a button that opens up a secret room.

"This room is very hard to open this will keep you guys safe,whatever you do don't come out until it safe." He says I go inside to see a bed and also food on the floor Jason puts the pups there and I do the same. Jason walks to me and gives me a kiss."I be back." He says "promise me Jason." I said looking at him he just smiles at me and he whispers to me and said "promise." I watch as he closed the door and I didn't see his face no more.

"He will be back teddy like the rest of them." Said Anna in a quiet voice I turn my head and I look at her feeding her other pups and I gave her a small smile "I hope so Anna I hope so." I said while going to the other bed. I hear the sounds of wolves fighting and gunshots I look at Anna with worry and she had her eyes close in fear.

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