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chapter twelve! | muse.

S E R E N I T Y.

I've locked myself in the recording studio, hoping I'd get inspiration for a new single. I had some other writers working with me on the project but I wanted this one to be solely written by me.

The thing is all the ideas in my head are simply unexplainable. My pen tapped against my notepad while I stared straight at the ceiling. The creative flow in my body was stopped by knocking on the door.

"There's a Do Not Disturb sign for a reason!" I yelled hoping whoever was behind it would get the memo. It was silent for a few seconds before a voice spoke up.

"So you gon' act like that towards the guy that brought you food? Whatever."

I jumped so quick once hearing Jace's voice. Opening the door, he was revealed in a pair of ripped jeans with a blue plaid button up shirt and a black cap on. He makes the simplest things look so good.

My eyes landed down to the bag from Chick-Fil-A in his hands. He shook his head as I stuffed my face with my spicy chicken sandwich.

"So this is where the magic happens." He mumbled tracing his fingers over the buttons. I turned in my spiral chair and just watched him act like a little kid in an unknown place... curious.

"Wanna hear the beat the producers created for me? I like it."

His head moved slowly to the music while a smile formed on his lips. "You could do something great with this Serenity. What you got in mind?"

"Nothing," I replied plopping onto the chair. "I have nothing. I'm stressing. It needs to be done in a week for the show that you'll be attending with me." I said throwing in the last part quickly.

"If that's your way of asking me to accompany you to the award show, then no."

No? "What'd you mean no? Why not?"

"It's not that I don't want to. I'm just not used to being in the public eye. I do what I have to do then I'm gone. Cameras and shit is for you, not me."

"I'm not saying walk the red carpet with me. I want you to come and support me and you won't be alone. You'll be with my crew."


"Please?" I whined grabbing his hands. "For me?" I batted my eyelashes hoping it'd work and sure enough, it did.

"What time should I be ready?"

I squealed jumping up and down in excitement. Everything was falling into place in my life and I was loving it.

Then that's when it all hit me.

I frantically ran for my book and began writing down the lyrics that were in my head, praying my awful handwriting won't interfere with it later. I loved how everything just flowed with Jace in the room.

"What're you—" He started but I had held up my left hand while my other one was moving smoothly. "Why—"

"Hush." I finally said and he slightly frowned. My hand slowly came down as I stared at the words on my page. "I think I got it."

"Really?" He asked impressed. "But you just said that you were stuck." I giggled at his confused expression. Poor boy.

"Let's just say, my muse came more quickly than I originally expected." And I was right. He was my muse for sure.


fifth harmony's self titled drops friday, make sure to get it for my girls. they've been through hell and back and they deserve more 💞

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