forty one

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chapter forty one.

O M I N S C I E N T.

"Can I get another drink please?"

Everyone knows that Serenity isn't quite the best when it comes to expressing emotions but after her and Jace's unexpected conflict, things took a turn for the worst.

It started after her show in Atlanta where she went to a club and had one too many drinks. She was giggling and dancing with one of the male dancers when Joel cut their conversation short.

"What is wrong with you?" Her bodyguard spat driving off to avoid the paparazzi. "Do you want people to see you like this?"

"See me as what? I'm a cliche." She slurred kicking off her heels. "Wanna know why? Let's see— um I'm treated like shit at my label, people aren't satisfied with what I do, I managed to mess up a good relationship with a good guy and—"

"Do you hear yourself right now?"

"I think I'm the only one who hears myself." She mumbles laying down in the backseat. "No one else does."

She started lashing out on people, her focus was deteriorating, and not to mention, it opened old wounds. She fell back into a depression.

This was her downfall. Her team has tried sitting her down and getting her to admit there's something wrong but she shrugs it off and dismisses it fairly quickly.

Right now Serenity was in rehearsals when a dancer said someone needed to see her outside. The towel hung over her shoulder as sweat dripped from her forehead.

Stepping outside, she rolled her eyes almost instantly. "Kaiden, what do you want?"

"Damn," He chuckled holding his hands up in defense. "I'm here to talk. I know you've been going through shit."

"I'm fine." She lies rubbing her arm. "It's just a mid tour kind of thing with the pressure and everything."

"That's your most infamous excuse Serenity." He pauses, paying close attention to her appearance. It looked like she hadn't slept in days. "Look if you need to smoke or drink—"


"Or just to talk. I'm here." He chuckles as he finishes before peeking in to see that the dancers are waiting for her. "I'll let you get back to doing you but just keep what I said in mind. Okay?"

"Whatever." She spins around going back into the room when she bumped into someone— Jace to be exact. It seemed like they both didn't know what to say but a lot wanted to be said. "My bad."

"You good." He nods. She does the same and continues to go and rehearse until he stop her, "Serenity?"


"I still believe in you." As he walked away, she wondered what he meant by that but quickly dismissed it going back inside.

After her show, it didn't take long for Serenity's feet to somehow find its way in front of her ex's hotel room. She could hear the music to its clear extent and the weed's awful smell.

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