Part 2

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They were shocked at seeing Queen Chrysalis there at the wedding. However, the ones most shocked was Twilight's friends minus Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Spike. They had believed Twilight without a doubt, but, now as they looked at Twilight, they felt anger at the rest of their friends. "Now, do you believe Twilight?" Pinkie Pie spatted out at them. Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash couldn't believe themselves. They had called Twilight a liar and a untrustworthy pony, but now they saw that she was telling the truth. 

"I can't believe we treated Twilight the way we did." Rarity says, trying to keep herself from crying. 

"We were stupid." Rainbow Dash admitted. She was prideful, but she knew that she was wrong. Applejack didn't say anything because she knew that she can never take back what she said to Twilight. However, all of them knew that Shining Armor did the most damage. He banned Twilight from the the wedding. 

"We can't apologize right now, though. We have to stop Chrysalis." Rarity says, getting ready to attack Chrysalis with her magic, but when she turned to look at Twilight, she stopped in worry. 

"What's wrong, Rarity?" Applejack asked. Rarity pointed towards Twilight and Applejack looked towards Twilight. Twilight was in a ball, shaking herself back and forth. Did we do that? Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash thought together. 

Fluttershy galloped to Twilight's side. She took Twilight into her hooves and she hugged her. "It's alright, Twilight. We're here for you." She says as Pinkie Pie and Spike hugged Twilight. 

"It hurts. The loneliness hurts." Twilight whispered. Pinkie Pie hugged Twilight tighter. 

"You're not alone. You got me, Fluttershy and Spike here by your side. We believe in you. You can fight it, Twilight. Fight the loneliness!" Pinkie Pie shouted in a serious voice. Pinkie Pie was only serious when the time calls for it. This is one of those times. "Princess Cadance! Let me help you with her!" Pinkie Pie growled out dangerously. She was about to destroy Chrysalis for hurting Twilight mentally. 

"No, Pinkie Pie. Stay with Twilight. Let Twilight protect you." Cadance tells Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie looked confused. I'm not in danger. She thought. Yes, you are in danger!  Pinkamena tells Pinkie Pie telepathically. 

"I don't understand, Princess. Why would I be in danger?" Pinkie Pie innocently asked. Twilight moved when Chrysalis moved. Twilight was standing in front of Pinkie Pie, ready to cast a spell. However, Princess Celestia moved in front Twilight. 

"Princess Celestia?" Twilight asked, confused. She hurt me. Why would she try to protect me? Twilight wondered. 

"We were wrong, Twilight. You were right. Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive us?" The tall Alicorn asked. Twilight looked down. She wasn't ready to forgive them, but she knew that it was just a mistake on their part. It wasn't their fault, but they did hurt her with their words. 

"Maybe I can, maybe I can't. Your words hurt me and I just can't forget that straight away." Twilight says, galloping towards Chrysalis. "Don't touch Pinkie, you evil fiend!" Twilight shouted. She used a offensive spell. The spell was a purple beam that hits Chrysalis. 

"It's impossible! That kind of magic was never seen in over two thousand years!" Chrysalis said with fear in her voice. She escaped from the castle by using her magic and her changelings disappeared with her. The spell over Shining Armor had disappeared as well. He looked around and he saw a exhausted Cadance with Twilight. Getting angry, he galloped at Twilight. 

Twilight saw him and she was ready for anything that he was going to say. "You trying to ruin our wedding again, Twily?" He demanded. Cadance gasped in shocked. 

"She wasn't ruining anything! She was trying to warn you! The Cadance from earlier was Chrysalis. She wanted to take over Canterlot and she used you and the wedding day to try. But, Twilight caused her to disappear by using Guardian Magic. I knew she could use that kind of magic. I was wondering when it would manifest." Cadance tells Shining Armor. 

Shining Armor realized his mistake and he started to speak to Twilight again. "Oh no! Twily, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say what I said just then and earlier." He tells Twilight. 

"Like I told Princess Celestia earlier, I don't know if I can forgive you yet. I'm still thinking. Truthfully, I don't want to forgive you, but life's all about forgive and forget. Isn't that right? Never mind, I don't want to see any of you, unless it's Princess Cadance, Princess Luna, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Spike." Twilight says, walking away. 

Everypony looked at her sadly. The ponies that hurt Twilight regretted their actions a whole lot. Now, it looks like Twilight won't forgive them at all, but they secretly hoped that she will forgive them.  

This is the end of chapter 2! 

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