Top 5 twilight sparkle songs

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this list is about my favorite main 6 character twilight sparkle, this includes songs from the show, equestria girls, or from the mlp albums   And plzz the songs on this list are my own personal opinion so if you dislike any of these songs or my number one pick then don't even read this chapter ok now then onto my number 5.

5. Morning in Ponyville  

I  like this song because its the first song of the season 3 finale and twilight is just so happy the funniest part of this song that just makes me  laugh every time is when twilight wakes up Spike and he just goes right back to sleep and the face that he made is just so funny 

I  like this song because its the first song of the season 3 finale and twilight is just so happy the funniest part of this song that just makes me  laugh every time is when twilight wakes up Spike and he just goes right back to sleep and the face...

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4. I've Got To Find A Way

i really do like this song its just a very very sad song i feel for bad for twilight in this song she switched her friends cutie marks and every thing is going down hill i almost cried  during this song because i felt bad for twilight and the others.

3.  love is in bloom 

I love this song alot because its the  Last song of season 2 twilight sings to her brother and Cadence to congratulate them for their wedding and twilight's singing voice is beautiful and it makes me appreciate LOVE more. 

2. what more is out there 

now this song if a little different its not like the other three ones because its from  Equestria Girls Friendship Games but it is just a little bit better, twilight want to know what mare is out there i can really relate to her because i to want to know what more is out in the world that why it is in my number two spot but there is another one one that is even better than this one now its time for my number 1 spot and plzzz again don't judge my number 1 pick if you do i will block you just a warning k. 

1. The Midnight In Me

now this is my number 1 pick ya i know that this song is short but because that it is short makes it a awesome song and the song and twilight's voice just sends chills down my back thats how great this song is so ya that my number 1 pick for best twilight sparkle songs.

 honorable mention

we wish you a merry Christmas  

now bye everyone until the next chapter bye 

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