BIG news!!!

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oh my god guys guys watch this video and you will see what the news is about 

just watch this he is amazing he knows everything doesn't he 

and yes they are still making tmnt still and i dont know how i feel about the voice cast but i think am ok with them

and as i said before if this show starts to be like teen titans go or the reboot powerpuff girls then am not going to watch at 

but speaking about the reboot powerpuff girls i am going to watch it because i havw watched 

the big powerpuff girls tv movie the "power of four" and i actually i liked it and the new powerpuff girl  i actually loved her for real so yeah 

there is going to be a top 10 about that with the powerpuff girls in it ok 

so are you going to be ok with this new tmnt series or and the voice cast do you like or do you hate it let me know in the comments down below 

ok bye for now bye 

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