"Girls don't normally pin up photos of celebrity girls..."
"They prefer the posters of Zac Efron, Shia Labeouf and the likes of them..."
"Tell me...are you turning into a lesbo?"
Misty Eighteen Collage Student
"Your funny mom"
"No I'm serious"
"I'm dreaming of wearing Bikinis someday. I pin them up to inspire me to lose weight, mom."
"You're the one who's funny, Misty!"
Mom says I still look all right, not really heavy.
"Chomp Chomp"*eating Healthy Diet*
But she understands that being conscious of how one looks is a part of adolescence
She likes the idea of me going to the gym regularly
"Huff Huff"
"Your new here, I can tell"
"Adron twenty-five"
"D-does my body show it?, 'guess you've also just started here"
~Flex Flex
"Yeah, I just started just a week ago. I want to grow some muscles"
The Next Day...
"Adron's cute. He can pass for a Hearthrob, if I imagine him differently"Although Adron hasn't got enough muscles...I discovered he is full of courage.
"You got a nice ass, baby! It's like the face of a baby I want to pinch!"
"You look like a punching bag to me, bro..."
Black Ink Short Cuts
Ficção Adolescente3 stories in one book Some sweet some love A decade of waiting The tree of happy leaves