Chapter 17: Hawaii

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"What do I exactly have to do?" Hesitatingly, she quietly asked.

He turned with a bright smile.

"You will be the bait".


Jennie's POV

"Get out we're here".

Ugh, finally. It felt like I was taking a tour through the entire world.
I quietly got out of the car even though my mind was boiling inside. How much I wanna strangle him to death...but can't. He tortures me, sexually harasses me and then takes me on a very long drive.

Getting out of the car, panic attacked me as I realised where I was.

"Why are we at the airport?".

"We're departing", he simply replied, getting out something from the trunk.

"Departing? W-where?"


Hawaii? Shit no no. W-what is he planning to do? He's not gonna rape me there is he? Don't tell me he's gonna sell me away. No, no, I can't go, he will make my life a living hell, he would probably kill me there.

I stood on the flat concrete floor restlessly. My brows furrowed because of my nasty thoughts playing the head.

"Are you alright?" He asked peeking his head from the corner of the trunk.

Shit he saw me, and my expression too. Was is it really that visible?

"Y-y-yes, I'm fine".

He gave me a look as in 'what the bitch?' And then just slightly nodded his head in agreement.

"Let's go, I'm done".

He closed the trunk and locked the entire at with just a tap in the remote.

"Wait a minute, aren't we taking bags? Where's your luggage?".
He kept walking with me following behind.

"We don't need luggages, I'll buy you new clothing over there."

Buy me new clothing over there?
........what a wealthy jerk.

We walked a bit before entering through the entrance.

"What about the car?"

"What about it?"

"Well you can't just leave your Mercedes here, who's gonna take it back?"

"Don't worry my worker will".

"And what about my passport? I can't get in without it".

He suddenly stopped in the middle of his track and faced me. A smirk plastered on his face.

"I'm always prepared kitten. Don't you worry. I've got your passport and the stamp on it. As for traveling...we'll take my jet".

Woah jet?


"Yes my private jet, now come on".

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