His decision

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Ok continuing


As my face drains of color the beautiful blue man looked behind him and saw the 8 to 9 men that were marching furiously towards you he instinctively moved in front of me still holding on to me of course I was almost hidden completely at the mans hight, of course I am tremendously short but he was also pretty tall, the men walked up to him and the supposed leader of the group started saying

"You better hand over the little bitch, she killed our captain and 8 of our best crew members!!!" As he herd this the blue man looked at me in amazement for a moment then turned back "Ya hand the slut over" a man on the side side, My blood boiled with rage at this for as I've said before I ain't no slut, bitch maybe but I was sure as hell no slut he then to the man that called me a slut let out a sharp whistle and he was on the ground faster then you could say "fuck you" he turnd back to the "leader" and said

"If you wanna take her you better tell me what you plan to do with her first and I might consider it." He said it with such a calm voice I thought he was serious and I was scared to death at the thought of what they might do to me but of course I didn't let it show I just watched and stayed silent with a straight face slowly moving out from behind the man

"Well of course we're gonna kill her but we might have a little 'fun' with her, treat her like the slut she is first, then kill her nice and slow making it last" he said with a evil grins spreading on all their faces with a couple chuckles here and there 😈😈

This sickened me so I quickly snatched the blade from its sheath on my waistband and threw it at the so called "leader" and just like that, he was dead on the ground with a blade sticking out of his forehead in a very funny position

I burst out laughing at this and the blue man looked at me like I was insane then looked at the body again and started to laugh too after a minute he stoped and looked back at the horror struck faces of the men with me still giggling,


Be fore I could act She hit him straight in between the eyes with her knife/dagger (pick above) and he fell she laughed like a mad woman and I looked at her, oddly I liked her laugh then I looked back at the body and saw the reason she was laughing the bastard landed in a very awkward position and I started laughing too after a while I stoped laughing while she giggled I said

"Now see this is what I need in my crew a person with her skill set and she's the perfect size for sneaking in and out of tight places , sure it might be a challenge to keep the rest of the crew off her but I can handle that so imma keep her around, and if you don't agree with that or want to join this bitch here *kicking the dead body of the leader while saying this* then try to take her I dare ya"

To be continued

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