The Agreement

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A/n: I hope you guys like this chapter, sorry it took so long to publish I was having a lot of writers block, so hope you like it , oh and btw I'm changing Kat's age to 19, i'll change the other chapter to fit this later. okay that's all for now Ttyl my beautiful little Terrans.

Kat's P.O.V

"Try and take her, I dare ya."

When the blue man said this he stepped forward next to the body of the dead kree, just after this two men that were on opposite sides of the group started running at him on instinct I pulled the blue man back a couple steps and the two men ran into each other, they got back up and started moving towards us along with the rest of the group but before they could reach us I heard a sharp whistle and with a bright red streak all the men that were a part of the group were dead on the ground in seconds.

"Whoa" I stared in amazement

"What, that? Oh girly that was nothing."The blue man said with a grin after he caught his arrow

"Who are you?, why'd you save me?, what do you plan to do with me?, I'm not going back to being a slave, and don't call me girly!" I spoke at a quick pace trying to get answers, the blue man looked me up and down with his gorgeous Scarlet eye I took notice of where they stopped I followed his gaze and realized my shirt was cut down the side exposing my (very reveling) blue lace bra immediately I felt my self esteem shatter and i took off my backpack off and covered my self with it the movement made the rest of my shirt fall to the ground and reviled the rest of my hair to be a little past my shoulder blades, i looked up at the blue man my cheeks a shade of red that would put a tomato to shame and my hair turning a very bright pink (without me noticing) i turned around and hid my face

"whoa, I ain't never seen a Terran who could do that before."  he said looking at my hair then his eyes fell to my back (the picture above) and he felt a sting in his chest he knew what it felt like to be abused and whipped

"Do what,? kill someone?" i say with confusion in my voice turning back to face him and a cocky grin spreading on my face with my hair turning purple with pride

"naw, I've seen that but, your hair it was blue and purple then changed bright pink and now its just purple." He said as he stared at my hair in awe, wait bright pink its never been pink before, just shades of blue or purple.

"were ya experimented on?"

"no, my dad worked with chemicals and it effected me as a child so now my hair changes when my emotions change, and again who are you?, and why'd you save me?, any other person would have handed me over with out a second thought."

"well I'm not just any other person." forming a cocky grin of his own

"And to answer your questions, the names Yondu girly , i saved you so i could make ya part of my crew, And i want ya on my crew cause yer small and good for thieving and your a pretty girl with a pretty nice rack on ya so you could also be used as a distraction on some thieving jobs." and again with people wanting to use me, this made me angry and made my hair turn a very dark shade of purple almost black.

"okay, one what makes you think i'd join your crew, and two why do you think i would let you use me like that?, and don't call me girly"

"well doll you'll join cause ya got no other place ta go, and you'll let me "use ya like that" cause it'll be yer job in the crew, oh and you"ll be the only girl, so no one else can do it and if you don't cooperate i don't know if i'll be able to keep the rest of the crew off ya." as yondu said this that cocky grin crept its way back onto his face and he starts walking away from the pile of dead bodies

"I'm not going with you just so you know." i say crossing my arms over my chest struggling to keep myself cover with what remained of my shirt.

he turned around and walked back towards me a very displeased look on his face, as soon as he got to me he looked down at me and my hair instantly turned sky blue in fear

"you listen here girly yer coming with me!"

"oh yeah make me!"

with those words he grabbed my small frame and flung me over his shoulder like i weighed nothing and then started walking completely ignoring my screams and protests, soon i began hitting his back and screaming for help but people just stared and then i got an idea and a devilish grin spread on my face, putting my plan into action i stretched my arms down and pinched his ass he stopped for a second then he continued walking with a slight laugh , okay looks like ill have to kick it up a notch,raising my hands i slapped his ass as hard as i could as many times as i could before he stopped

"if yer gonna be difficult and act like a damn child imma treat ya like one." and he started walking so i slapped his ass again he didn't stop this time so i slapped him again harder this time big mistake on my part instead of getting my way, he slapped my ass twice in return and damn that hurt, his hands were big and they almost covered a whole cheek i knew i have a big red mark on my ass now, not giving up i slapped his ass again and he returned it twice as hard i hissed in pain and slapped him again and he returned it again, and this went on until we came to a stop in front of a big ship as soon as the doors opened and he walked in i stopped slapping him and looked around in awe, he didn't stop until we were at a room in the far back of the ship he walked in and tossed me on the bed causing my backpack to fly across the room as i landed ,  then with one look he walked out of the room with a smirk and closed the door, and i was left there in a bra and skinny jeans,and...... alone.

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