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the seven of them sat down at the waiting area after the shoot ended. jooheon and changkyun had somehow ended up sliding in between the cushions of both couches, their legs and arms sticking out rather haphazardly.

needless to say, the 6 boys were throughly exhausted, all thanks to kihyun who wanted everything to look perfect.

hoseok was more concerned about hyungwon. the lanky model seemed to look as if he went without sleep for the past week. his bruise, which had not been given air to breathe under the thick layers of makeup, looked even worse compared to what hoseok saw earlier.

minhyuk spoke up first, breaking the comfortable silence that the males shared.

"kihyun, have you ever though of modelling before?"

the cotton candy male seemed to jump up in shock at the question.

everyone looked at kihyun in anticipation as the small male attempted to stutter out his answer.

"n-not really, why d-do you ask?"

"well, you're a photographer so you know what poses are best, plus you have the looks too!" changkyun piped up enthusiastically from his position, which had someone included him slithering onto the floor, and he was currently lying in a "paint-me-like-one-of-your-french-girls" pose. the rest of the boys nodded at changkyun's statement.

"i'm not really sure about that. I do have the expertise but the thing is," kihyun spoke, the air becoming more solemn as he spoke.

"the thing is that i don't feel im good looking enough or muscular enough like you all. I guess i don't have the qualifications to be one. many times i just feel that i'm not good enough, even as a photographer. i sometimes worry if i'm doing a good job, or if i/m putting my muses through too much stress or pressure. i don't want anyone to hate me just because i'm too strict as a director do you feel me? i've lost so many friends over the course of my entire life because of my personality but i'm trying to treasure all of them but it's so h-hard." kihyun choked, tears pooling in his eyes.

minhyuk, who already had tears streaming down his face, got up from hyunwoo's arm wrapped around his shoulder, instead making his way to where the pink-haired male sat and pulling the sniffling male into a heart-to-heart hug.

"kihyun," minhyuk said as he sobbed harder into kihyun's shirt.

"we all are really thankful for you. even though wonho and changkyun had only met you twice and once respectively, i'm sure they really admire you," minhyuk continued, to which hoseok and changkyun nodded enthusiastically.

"damn right. even though i met you once, for the very first timem you're not like any other photographer i met. the most cruel thing you ever did to me today was to get me to stand in the same position for ten minutes straight. other photographers would push their models to extreme ends, making them go on horrible diets." changkyun spoke, immediately getting up from the floor and moving to kihyun to embrace him in a long hug.

"kihyun-ah, honestly, minhyuk was my only close friend that i had for the past 5 years. but you introduced me to yourself, jooheon and hyunwoo, and i'm thankful for the support you all have gave me throughout the entire shoot today. i really hope i can one day call all of you my family, with the exception of changkyun because he already is, but seriously, thank you kihyun for showing me there are so many people out there who cares for me," wonho spoke, his voice thick with tears.

"kihyun ah, before i met you, i was a alcoholic and a partyholic. i lost myself in these night activities and i was in a really dark place before you told me you loved my cheeks and dimples, and wanted me to model for you. i was cold and distant the first few shoots we had, but you never gave up on me. plus because of you, i was able to meet wonho, then met changkyun, and i'm so thankful for it. i'm so thankful for you, kihyun-ah," jooheon slid out from beneath the couch cushions, throwing himself into kihyun's arms, whose nose color matched that of his hair.

"kihyun, you're always like a little brother to me. you're the little brother that i never had, who would always provide joy and laughter. i've been through a rough time in my life, but you somehow managed to make me believe that i still had hope. furthermore, you made me realize how much i loved minhyuk after you locked the both of us in the dressing room for two days with only cup ramyeon just because me and minhyuk were arguing about how our friendship was falling apart. without you, i don't even know what i'll do." hyunwoo spoke, crashing kihyun into a hug and letting the younger run his snot and tears down the front of his bomber jacket.

hyungwon was last, he was at a loss of words, but when he looked at kihyun's shining eyes and hoseok's encouraging face, the words fell into place immediately.

"kihyun," hyungwon's voice was choked with emotions, "thank you. if you didn't decide to drive your bicycle into the river by accident, i wouldn't have met you. indeed the saying is true, 'when all doors are closed on you, god will open a window for you'. you saved me from the place i called hell, my home, and gave me a modelling job so i can build my own sanctuary. kihyun, you're beautiful as a person, and everyone will agree with me on that. you might think you don't have the qualifications of a model, but the qualities of your heart shines through. you, in any way, deserves to be appreciate, loved and cherished." hyungwon spoke, collapsing into the group hug in which everyone was sobbing their eyes out into kihyun or the couch.

kihyun was the most overwhelmed with emotions. even though he tells himself he's not perfect, but he knows at last that he didn't have to be perfect. the 6 muses he had, complemented him perfectly. the 7 boys were puzzle pieces finally fitted together —— most of all, they were a family.

omg this is just a filler because shine forever came out and i know kihyun has been skipping meals and going on diets to achieve his abs.

also, look at this. his ribcage is so prominent. it's not even muscle ITS JUST HIS BONES. i'm so worried about his health tbh :(((

this chapter is also meant for those who've been struggling with body image, and those who feel like they don't mean anything. i feel like that sometimes too, but i know its just a storm to be overcome. don't give up yet <3

 don't give up yet <3

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