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hoseok woke up, light shining directly into his eyes, causing him to squirm and squint to block out the brightness. for some peculiar reason, hoseok felt light - the type of lightness you feel, as if you're floating. his surroundings were all white, and it occurred to him that he was in the hospital.

but hospitals do not have endless white that stretched on to the horizon. hoseok's eyes adjusted to the light, and now he looked around his surroundings in confusion.

"hello?" hoseok called out. his voice echoed around him, but there didn't seem to be any living soul other than him?

hoseok continued wandering, exploring the endless stretch of pure white that seemed to go on forever. that was until he heard his name being called. hoseok cocked his head to the side. had he been seeing so much white that he's going crazy? he wasn't sure himself, because hoseok only knew that he was crazy over a certain brown haired boy that was nowhere in sight.

"wonho?" a rather feminine voice called out from behind him again.

spinning to look behind him, hoseok caught side of a rather elegant female in her mid forties walking towards him with outstretched arms. he felt compelled to walk into her outstretched arms. the woman radiated nothing but homeliness and warmth, and hoseok could gradually feel himself relaxing.

"where am i?" was the first question that left hoseok's lips when they parted from their embrace, "is this heaven?" he continued.

the woman let out a soft laugh, stretching out her arm to link it with hoseok's.

"let's walk," the woman spoke, leading hoseok by the arm to an unknown destination.

"well, this place isn't really what you consider heaven nor hell, but you've brushed so close to death that i was able to seize this precious moment with you. you're really brave, hoseok, i admire your courage to stand against hyungwon's father," the woman spoke, letting out a bitter smile at the mention of mr chae.

"mrs chae?" hoseok asked, noticing the full lips the woman had, similar to those of the lanky model who went by the name of chae hyungwon.

she let out a chuckle, its rich vibrations sending an unspoken peace rushing through his veins.

"that's right, im hyungwon's mother," she smiled.

"so, what's up with you and hyungwon huh?" she smirked, prodding hoseok's side with her elbow.

"nothing much,"

"don't lie, you're blushing. don't worry, hyungwon feels the same way too."

"how would you know? maybe i'm just a really close friend."

"trust me when i say hyungwon will reciprocate your feelings. even though i left him so soon, i still watch over him in the afterlife. i see the smile that lights up his face when he receives your messages, i see how he turns red when you stand too close or when your arms and legs touch." mrs chae stopped, turning to face hoseok.

"wonho-ah, thank you for protecting my hyungwon." she spoke, tears glazing over her eyes.

"i'd do it again as long as he's safe."

"but don't throw yourself in front of a knife like that ever again. what would hyungwon feel if you died?"

hoseok gulped, he hadn't thought of how worried hyungwon would be when he was beaten and then had a knife carved into his back.

the pair continued to walk in comfortable silence when they finall reached a door in the middle of nowhere.

"wonho-ah, our time is almost up. everyone's worried about you too. it's time you return back to your world again."

"i'll miss you too wonho. take care of yourself and hyungwon too okay? i'll be watching over the both of you." mrs chae told hoseok, tears running down her cheeks.

"see you again," hoseok shouted over his shoulder.

"see you again when you throw yourself in front of a knife!" mrs chae joked, waving at hoseok enthusiastically when he walked through the door.

as hoseok passed the doorway, his entired world made a ninety-degrees tilt and he found himself free-falling through a dark abyss till his back slammed against something and his eyes shot open.

the ceiling of the hospital room took almost ten seconds to come into focus, along with the worried faces of his family and hyungwon, kihyun, minhyuk, hyunwoo, jooheon and changkyun.

when hoseok finally stirred, hyungwon was the first to throw himself over hoseok. hyungwon had numerous bandages over his body, but no broken bones whatsoever unlike hoseok who was lying in bed with broken ribs and a painful scar running down his back.

hyungwon immediately bombarded hoseok with tons of questions, causing a throbbing headache to emerge into hoseok's head.

the said male was trying his best to piece his words together, and when he finally opened his mouth to speak, the entired room fell silent.

hyungwon gazed expectantly at the boy who just woke up from a three-day coma, and he looked ready to murder someone at the next few words that came out of hoseok's mouth.

"say, do you like naruto?"

a/n: omgggg and this is the last chapter!! dont worry there is still an epilogue :^) anyways, thank y'all for 1.5k reads i'm so grateful for all the support that this book has received.

i'll be doing a q&a session for the characters as well as me so do comment inline if you have any questions!! i'll post the answers before i upload the epilogue (which i have to get round writing....... ... .........)








mr chae

mrs chae

wackson.jang (y'all thought i'd leave out this cutie?!?!?! you thought wrong)

chokemeyoungjae (aka me)

also if you stan bts and is a yoonseok/sope trash like me pls check out waltz!!

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