Where's My Love

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Every night, you slept alone on your bed that were meant to be shared with Theo Raeken, your boyfriend since Junior year of high school. You had moved to the place where the two of you have dreamt to live in ever since high school, New York City. After high school, you departed with Theo but not necessarily with your hearts as you had to be separated for college.

Post-college, the both of you found jobs that suits in New York which was a plus. You got to spend time with each other even more than you did in high school.

Now, Theo is much more different than you first moved into the apartment. In fact, he was almost a complete opposite of himself. It has been months since you've felt Theo's warmth beside you. Cold sheets occupy his place when you sleep and when you wake up in the morning. His behaviour made you question your relationship with him. It felt as if he doesn't care about coming back home anymore. You didn't know what you did wrong that made him leave. In fact, you did nothing to deserve a silent treatment.

He still did pay half of bills for the apartment though. At least he still care for the apartment.

"[Y/N], what's going on? You know you can tell me anything right?"Lydia asked you as she placed her palm over your hand.

"You've been having this facial expression that annoys me a lot. This troubled look isn't a good look on you, [Y/N],"said Stiles.

You took a sip of your cup of coffee before putting the mug down on the table."I don't know what I did but this past few months, I've barely seen Theo even though we live under the same roof."

"You should try staying up and wait for him to come home so that you can talk to him,"said Stiles.

"Yeah, you should that,"Lydia said, agreeing with her boyfriend.

You leaned against the window at the booth, thinking about what they had just said and you realized you afraid you are about having "the talk".

"But what if I'm afraid to do that? Neither having "the talk" nor argument are fun. It's terrifying."

"If Stiles don't mind, you can stay in my house for a few days and see if Theo took any actions about it."

"No, I mind."

"It's fine-"

"Just kidding, of course you can stay. We've known each other since high school."

You furrowed your eyebrows at Stiles and rolled your eyes. "I'll be staying in your apartment tonight then. See how long does it take for him to realize that I'm gone."

So that night, you took your chance and stayed in Stiles's and Lydia's. Unfortunately, you had to stay in alone because they have a triple date with Scott and Kira and also Isaac and Malia. It was originally planned to be a quadruple date including you and Theo but you canceled because of Theo.

You looked at the clock and as the minute hand strikes the twelve, your heart started pumping blood faster and you were beginning to feel anxious. It has only be 10 p.m. Theo might not be home yet. You try to relax your nerves by scrolling through Pinterest, looking at beautiful pictures of couples.

Fear crept on your heart and you had enough of it. Since Lydia left a spare key at home in case you want to go out, you used the key to get out of the apartment.  

You strolled to the bar near the apartment complex. Maybe drinking could numb the pain, temporarily. Your eyes caught the attention of the bar and you sat on one of the seats.

"What can I do to help you?"asked the bartender.

"Get me a glass of Bourbon,"you ordered.

"Anything else?"he asked.

"Actually get the bottle too. Who knows I might need a couple of shots to calm my nerves,"you said as you pay him the cost of your drinks.

He nodded before proceeding to grab the Bourbon bottle and a glass. You gulped a shot of Bourbon and you felt the burning sensation running down your throat.

"Miss, if you don't mind me asking, what's the purpose of you coming to the bar? You're wearing casually and you're alone, seems odd because ladies who comes here usually are on girl's night out or with their boyfriends,"the bartender said.

"My boyfriend and I are having problems and for these past few months, he rarely talks to me, let alone see him,"you said.

"So you came here to drown your worries?"he asked.

"Exactly. Can I have another shot?"you asked.

The bartender poured you another shot and you drank it. You hissed at the burning sensation.

"You do know that drinking doesn't solve your problems permanently, don't you?"he asked.

"Even if my "now" problems are solved, I'll still get new problems. The same cycle goes on and on until I'm dead,"you said.

"Suit yourself, Miss. I'll go entertain other customers, there's lot of them strolling in,"he said before moving away.

You drank as many shots as you could possible, chugging on it as fast as you could when you got used to the burning sensation. You stood up from your seat and your vision started becoming blurry just as your head starts to hurt but you kept walking, trying to find your way out of the bar until you stumbled down. The last thing you heard was a voice, calling out for your name before you fainted.

The first thing you saw when you woke up, was your bedroom instead of Stiles' and Lydia's guest room. You were dazed by it because you remembered that you were planning on staying overnight in Stiles' and Lydia's until you realized that you fainted in front of the bar the night before. You were still wearing your outfit from the night before. You almost fell when you got out of your bed, most possibly from hungover but someone caught a grip of you. It was Theo. He lay you on your bed and he went to the kitchen before bringing you a tray of breakfast.

"I'm sorry for leaving you like that. I know I shouldn't,"said Theo.

"Why did you do that?"you asked.

"I was out on a therapy for these past few months and I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to see me in a bad state. I'm supposed to make you happy not listen to my problems,"Theo explained.

"But I realized not telling you made you upset with me,"said Theo.

"Theo, I love you and I won't judge you. Keeping a secret from me after what we've through since high school upsets me. We're supposed to trust each other, Theo. Not keep secrets,"you said as tears began forming in your eyes.

"This is why I love you, [Y/N]. Do you forgive me?"he asked as he pulled you into a hug.

"Yeah but we still missed the quadruple date that we're supposed to go.

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